Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/905

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[72 Stat. 863]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 863]




PUBLIC LAW 8 5 - 7 6 5 - A U G. 27, 1958

to meet essential procurement needs during such emergency. For the purposes of this section a slaughterer or processor shall be deemed to be affiliated with another slaughterer or processor if it controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such other slaughterer or jn'ocessor. After June.30, 1960, each supplier from which any livestock products are procured by any agency of the Federal Government shall be required by such agency to make such statement of eligibility under this section to supply such livestock products as, if false, will subject the maker thereof to prosecution, title 18, United States Code, section 287. SEC. 4. In furtherance of the policy expressed herein the Secretary is authorized and directed— (a) to conduct, assist, and foster research, investigation, and experimentation to develop and determine methods of slaughter and the handling of livestock in connection with slaughter which are practicable with reference to the speed and scope of slaughtering operations and humane with reference to other existing methods and then current scientific knowledge; (b) on or before March 1, 1959, and at such times thereafter as he deems advisable, to designate methods of slaughter and of handling in connection with slaughter which, with respect to each species of livestock, conform to the policy stated herein. If he deems it more effective, the Secretary may make any such designation by designating methods which are not in conformity with such policy. Designations by the Secretary subsequent to March 1, 1959, shall become effective for purposes of section 3 hereof 180 days after their publication in the Federal Register; (c) to provide suitable means of identifying the carcasses of animals inspected and passed under the Meat Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. 71 and the following) that have been slaughtered in accordance with the public policy declared herein. Handling in connection with such slaughtering which necessarily accompanies the method of slaughter described in subsection (b) of this section shall be deemed to comply with the public policy specified by this section. SEC. 5. To a-ssist in implementing the provisions of section 4, the Secretary is authorized to establish an advisory committee. The functions of the Advisory Committee shall be to consult with the Secretary and other appropriate officials of the Department of Agriculture and to make recommendations relative to (a) the research authorized in section 4; (b) obtaining the cooperation of the public, producers, farm organizations, industry groups, humane associations, and Federal and State agencies in the furtherance of such research and the adoption of improved methods; and (c) the designations required by section 4. The Committee shall be composed of twelve members, of whom one shall be an officer or employee of the Department of Agriculture designated by the Secretary (who shall serve as Chairman); two shall be representatives of national organizations of slaughterers; one shall be a representative of the trade-union movement engaged in packinghouse work; one shall be a representative of the general public; two shall be representatives of livestock growers; one shall be a representative of the poultry industry; two shall be representatives of national organizations of the humane movement, one shall be a representative of a national professional veterinary organization; and one shall be a person familiar with the requirements of religious faiths with respect to slaughter. The Department of Agriculture shall assist the Committee with such research personnel and facilities as the Department can make available. Committee members other than the Chairman shall not be deemed to be employees of the 98395-59-PT. 1-55

62 Stat. 698. Authority of Secretary of Agricul-

P u b l i c a t i o n in F.R.

34 Stat. 1260.

Advisory mittee.
