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PUBLIC LAW 85-788-AUG. 27, 1958
Public Law 85-787 AN ACT To amend title II of the Social Security Act to include Massachusetts and Vermont among the States which are permitted to divide their retirement sysr tems into two parts so as to obtain social security coverage, under State agreement, for only those State and local employees who desire such coverage, and to permit individuals who have decided against such coverage to change their decision within a year after the division of the system. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the fourth sentence of section 218(d)(6) of the Social Security Act is amended by inserting "Massachusetts," before "Minnesota", and by inserting "Vermont," before "Washington". SEC. 2. Such section 218(d)(6) is amended by inserting after the fifth sentence the following new sentence: "In the case of any retirement system divided pursuant to the fourth sentence of this paragraph, the position of any member of the division or part composed of positions of members who do not desire coverage may be transferred to the separate retirement system composed of positions of members who desire such coverage if it is so provided in a modification of such agreement which is mailed, or delivered by other means, to the Secretary prior to 1960 or, if later, the expiration of one year after the date on which such agreement, or the modification thereof making the agreement applicable to such separate retirement system, as the case may be, is agreed to, but only if, prior to such modification or such later modification, as the case may be, the individual occupying such position files with the State a written request for such transfer." Approved August 27, 1958.
August 27, 1958 [H.R. 11346]
S o c i a l Security Act, amendments. 70 Stat. 825. 42 USC 418.
Public Law 85-788 AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture in selling or agreeing to the sale of lands to the State of North Carolina to permit the State to sell or exchange such lands for private purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (c) of section 32, title III, of the Bankhead-Jones P'arm Tenant Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1011 (c)), the Secretary of Agriculture, in selling or agreeing to sell to the State of North Carolina the lands comprising the North Carolina land utilization project, NC-LU-21, is authorized to include in the conveyance or agreement of sale a provision permitting the State, after consummation of the sale, to sell to, or exchange for lands of, private parties for private purposes such of the project lands as may be mutually agreed upon by the Secretary and the State: Provided, That all proceeds received by the State from the sale of such lands shall be used by the State for the acquisition of lands and any land so acquired or acquired by the State in exchange for project lands shall be within the exterior boundaries of the project and shall become a part of the aforesaid project established on the lands conveyed to the State and shall be subject to the conditions with respect to the use of such lands for public purposes: Provided further, That all proceeds from the sale of the project lands shall be maintained by the State in a separate fund and a record of all transactions involving such fund shall be opened to inspection by the Secretary. Approved August 27, 1958.
August 27, 1958 [H. R. 12494]
North Carolina. Sale of lands. 50 Stat. 5 25.