Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 2.djvu/340

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[72 Stat. A18]
PRIVATE LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. A18]



Mara, Cornelius J Mararac, Jose Mariano,\iuigi Marion, Donald J Maris, Ward H Markey, Gene M a r k h a m, William E Markoff, Gypsy Marsh, James H Marston, Morrill W Martelino, Amado Martin, James J Martin, James R. (Lt. jg.) Martinelli, Anton Marx, Tessie L Massad, Souhail W M a s s m a n - P a t t i - T a n n e r and Mitchell Mathews, Laurance O., J r Matsuhara, Kerry Matsuhara, Yoshiko M a t t a, Cherine K Matthews, Arvil Matthews, Bobby J Matthews, David Matthews, Mrs. Dorothy Matthews, Elgin Matthews, Jewell E M a t the w s, L. C

Matthews, Odis Matthews, Trulee Matthijssen, Maria J . Matusiak, Edwin Mauney, Rush L Maxwell, R a y m o n d E Maynard, Lester McBlain, John F McBride, Horace L McCabe, George E McCabe, James L MeCaffree, B u r n h a m C McCandless, L. L., estate McCarter, Leonard C McCarthy, Charles W McCloskey, Manus McCoubrey, James A McCoy Ranch, Arthur McCreary Ranch, Pearl McCrite, R a y O McDaniel, Carl B McDaniel, Eugene F McDonald, George C McDonald, Murl McElhaney Ranch, R. H McFarland, John A McGarry, William J McGill, Dennis McGuire, James McGurk, Joseph F McHugh, H a r r y D

A 166 A132 A67 A148 A170 A182 A107 A18V A176 A172 A58 A123 A32 A96 A81 A65 A151 A184 A61 A61 A58 AIOO AIOO AIOO AIOO AIOO AIOO


Mcllhenny, H a r r y H Mcllvain, Robbie A Mcllvain, Udell McKensie, A. G McLeod, Clyde H McLintock, George G. (Comdr.) M c M a h o n, Bernard B McMillan, Lee

McMillan, Rose McMurrey, p]lizabeth McQuillen, Francis J McRankin, Malcolm Meade, Thomas B. (Dr.) Meeks, Ralph N Meister, Mrs. M a r g a r e t N Melamed, Mrs. Hermine Mello, Manuel Mellott, Eddie L Melton, Eldridge Memminger, Lucien Mercer, Preston V Merrell, George R Messersmith, George S Meszaros, Julia Metzgar, Joseph D. (and wife) Meyer, Clarence E Miceli, Maria AIOO Middleton, J o h n W AIOO Mierkalns, Andrejs P AIOO Miesse, Teruko A 2 1 1 Migliozzi, Genoveflfa A 8 3 Mikhael, Elias Y A 1 5 4 Miles, J o h n W A 1 8 4 Mileto, Caterina A 1 6 3 Miller, A r t B., J r A 1 6 6 Miller, Daniel B A 1 6 9 Miller, David H A 1 6 4 Miller, H a r r y W A 1 0 8 Miller, John C A 1 8 4 Miller, Waldo E A 2 0 8 Mills, R a y m o n d R A L 5 4 Mills, William H A 1 7 6 Miloslavsky, Lina A 1 7 2 Milstead, J. Woodrow A 1 6 7 Ming, D a n Ah A 8 Miranda, Bernabe A 8 Miranda, Manuel A 1 5 4 Miranda, Salvador A 1 6 6 Miszer, Ignatz A 1 8 2 Mitchell, Don I A 1 6 6 Mitchell, Lawrence C A 1 6 0 Miter, F r a n k F A 8 Mizell, W. G. (and wife) A 1 7 6 Mobley, John W A 3 8 M o g a n n a m, Masadeh A 2 1 1 Mohajer, F a t i m a A A 2 0 5 Mohajer, Jahangir A A 1 6 3 Mokides, Catherine A 1 7 6 Molesworth, Kathleen

A182 AIOO AIOO A26 A154 A25 A176 AIOO

AIOO A99 A179 A116 A33A97 A141 A57 A86 A45 A176 A163 A182 A163 A163 B19 A205 A161 A214 A176 A186 A39 A145 A18 A176 A42 A176 A182 A163 A176 A107 A198 A107 A176 A42 A107 ^17 A131 A131 A132 ^1^ ^114 A176 ^176 A99 ^107 A212 ^41 ^41 ^1^9 A163