Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/1009

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[73 Stat. D39]
[73 Stat. D39]


Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site, Ky., redesignation Abraham Lincoln Sesquicentennial Year: Commission, appropriation for Joint meeting of Congress, commemorating Printing of documentary account of events Proclamation. Accounting Office, General. See General Accounting Office. Accounts, Bureau of, appropriation for


466 107 B4 B12 cl4

50, 65, 445 ' 'Administered Prices — Automobiles, printing of additional copies B14 "Administered Prices—Steel," printing of additional copies B14 Administrative Procedure Act, applicability under Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 _. 540 Admissions Tax, exemption 590 Advanced Research Projects Agency, appropriation for ._ 377 Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations: Appropriation for 724 Establishment 703 Report to Congress 705 Aeronautics Board, Civil. See Civil Aeronautics Board. Afghanistan, immigration quota, proclamation c60 Agricultural Act of 1956, Amendment, surplus disposal of agricultural commodities, transfer of bartered materials to supplemental stockpile 61T Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938: Amendments, acreage allotments and marketing quotas 393, 611, 642 Funds for effecting provisions 35, 173, 174 Agricultural Commodities. See also individual commodities. Acreage allotments and marketing quotas, appropriation for expenses of programs 35, 173, 174 Emergency areas, sale to provide feed for livestock authorized 574


Agricultural Commodities—Continued ^^^^ Long-term supply contracts to aid in purchase of____; 610 Pesticide chemicals, use on raw commodities, regulation 288 Price support program for 1960, Commodity Credit Corporation, limitations 178 Surplus— Donations abroad, identification on containers as furnished by people of United States 607 Food stamp system, distribution to needy in United States. 608, 609 Sale for foreign currencies— Agreements for; limitations 606 Commodity Credit Corporation, reimbursement for costs 35, 178, 606 Funds available for financing 250 Agricultural Conservation Program Service, appropriation for 34, 171 Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, funds for effecting provisions 168, 169, 173 Agricultural Marketing Service, appropriation for 34, 172 Agricultural Research Service, appropriation for 34, 167 Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954: Amendments— Famine relief to friendly countries, extension. 606 Foreign currencies, sale of agricultural commodities for, extension. 606 Science and research, use of foreign currencies for 258 Funds available for effecting provisions. 35, 173 Agricultural Workers: Mexican farm labor program, appropriation for 58, 342 National Labor Relations Board, restriction on use of funds for organizing, etc 356 Agriculture, Department of: Acreage allotments and marketing quotas, appropriation for expenses of program 35, 173, 174 D39

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