Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/1026

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[73 Stat. D56]
[73 Stat. D56]



Congress—Continued ^*'* Reports to—Continued Interior, Department of the—Con. Red River, Tex., Salt Fork and Prairie Dog Town Fork, development of water resources, studies authorized 383 Joint Economic Committee, study on employment and economic growth, etc B5 Justice, Department of— Interstate compact to conserve oil and gas, compliance 296 OflSce of Alien Property, expenses. 189 Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic 79 National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems 299 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, research facilities.. 17, 74 Navy, Department of the— Contracts for military construction exempted from competitive requirements 319 Housing, unit limitation 322 Public works for unforeseen requirements, cost 309 Post Office Department, building project surveys 481 President of the United States— International Rules of Judicial Procedure, Commission on, final 567 Mutual security program 719,720 Tennessee Valley Authority, power construction program; deletion of provision regarding 282, 338 Public Health Service, training in public health and nursing 239 Securities and Exchange Commission, certain exempt securities, inclusion in annual report 301 State, Department of— Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West, report on plans 256 International Cooperation Administration, program under 254 Wabash Valley Interstate Commission 698 Congressional Record, Alaska Omnibus Act 149 Consumer Price Index Revision, appropriation for 343 Contracts with United States: Atomic Energy Commission, restriction. 364 Bridgeport, Wash., furnishing of certain municipal services, validation 419

Contracts with United States—Continued ^*'* Buy American Act, Amendment, Alaska Omnibus Act 161 Educational program for Catawba Indian Tribe, S.C 594 Federal Employees Health Benefits Act of 1959, negotiation under 712 Income tax overpayments, extension of filing time for claims resulting from renegotiation of certain 563 Military construction _ 319, 560 Miller Act, certain suits under, change in limitation period 279 Minerals, exploration and development, funds for 92 Coordinator of Information, OflSce of the, appropriation for 59, 404 Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant Lands, Oreg: Appropriation for road construction 93 Lease for recreational or other public purposes 110 Cornmeal, Grits, and White Flour, disposition of surplus commodities, enriched to meet standards 610 Corporations, District of Columbia Business Corporation Act, amendments.. 239 Cotton: Acreage allotments, reallocation 393 Classing, appropriation for reimbursement of Commodity Credit Corporation 36,179 National marketing quota for 1960 611 Cottonseed and Soybean Oils, purchase for donation by Commodity Credit Corporation 609 Court of Military Appeals, appropriation for 53,373 Courts, United States. See also Justice, Department of. Administrative Office— Alaska Omnibus Act 147 Appropriation for 46, 192 Assistant Director redesignated Deputy Director 652 Travel expenses of judges, regulations respecting 1 285 Alaska— District attorneys, appropriation for. 187 Jurors, appropriation for fees 192 Alaska Omnibus Act 147 Appeals, Courts of— Appropriation for 45, 58, 191 Cease-and-desist orders, enforcement under Clayton Act, review 243 Appropriation Acts— Judiciary, 1960 190" Second supplemental, 1959 45 Supplemental, 1960 442 Temporary, 1960 159