Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/1029

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[73 Stat. D59]
[73 Stat. D59]



Defense, Department of—Continued ^"*^® Defense, Department of—Continued ^*** Experts or consultants, temporary emPost Office Department, reimbursement p l o y m e n t authorized; compensafor commercial air transportation tion 378 of military mail 382 Family housing. See under Housing. Prisoners, inductees, enlisted personnel Federal R a d i a t i o n Council, membership in hospitals, funds for 378, 379 on 690 Procurement, appropriation for 374 Foreign countries, acceptance of use of Proficiency flying, p a y — property, services, etc., from 381 Extension of eligibility to certain Foreign currencies, use of_._ 305, 310, 317, 324 personnel in Alaska 38 Foreign products, restriction on proRestriction on funds for; standard s curement 382 and hours 380 Foreign quarters, furnishings, for perProperty, services, etc., of foreign sonnel, funds for 382 countries, acceptance of use of 381 General provisions. Appropriation Acts_ 378, Public Affairs, Office of, appropriation 560 for 53 Grades GS-16, 17, and 18, additional Public works project, moving costs repositions authorized 700 imbursement 589 Household goods, transportation, packRentals, advance payments, funds for.. 379 ing, etc., restriction 381 Report to Bureau of the Budget on Insurance and investigations in foreign property, services, etc., received countries, funds for 378 from foreign countries 381 L and acquisition, funds for 378 Reports to Congress— Legal training, restriction on use of Aircraft, missiles, and naval vessels, funds for 381 procurement, cost, etc 322 Legislative liaison activities, limitation Contingencies, disbursements for 373 on funds for 383 Housing, title search and insurance Mess operations, r a t e s and restrictions. 379 costs 323 M e t a l scrap, baling or shearing, restricMissiles projects 324 tion on use of funds for 380 National Security Agency, n u m b e r of Military Air T r a n s p o r t Service, restricresearch and development position on use of funds 383 tions established 64 Military Construction Act of 1959 302 Property, services, etc., received from Military Construction Appropriation foreign countries 381 Act, 1960 558 Scientific and professional p o s i t i o n s.. 701 Military housing, property title suffiSurplus materials, receipts and disciency, request for determination. 323 bursements. 380 Military Sea Transportation Service, Transfer of funds under Emergency construction of ships, limitation on F u n d authority 383 appropriation 376 Research, development, test, and evaluMissile programs, transfer of funds to, ation, appropriation for 377, 381 authority 383 Reserve components— Motor vehicle hire, limitation on funds Reserve Officers' Training Corps— for 383 Loyalty requirement 382 National Board for the Promotion of Members attending rifle matches, Rifle Practice— travel expenses for 372, 383 Appropriation for 372 Reserve Forces Facilities Act of 1959.. 324 Transfer of ammunition to 383 Retired pay 368 National Security Agency, research and Rifle matches, travel expenses for perdevelopment positions established. 63 sonnel attending 372, 383 Obligation of funds, restriction 381 Schooling of minor dependents of perOccupied areas, funds for administrasonnel, funds for; limitation 378 tion 379 Scientific and professional positions, adOlympic Winter Games, 1960, increase ditional, authorized 701 in funds, authorization 323 Scrap, utilization of proceeds from sales, Appropriation for 373 increase in limitation 38 Overseas Teachers P a y and Personnel Secretary, Office of the, appropriation Practices Act 213 for 53,373 Technical amendments 652 Security guard services, reimbursement P a y and allowances, retired p a y 368 of General Services Administration. 378