Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/1034

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[73 Stat. D64]
[73 Stat. D64]



Federal Aviation Agency—Continued ^"*^® Washington National Airport, appropriation for operation and maintenance 55, 503 Federal Bureau of Investigation: Appropriation for 46, 188 Civil-service employees, prohibition on use of funds for compensation 188 Defense contractor personnel, investigation, reimbursement by Defense Department 378 Director, compensation 188 International organizations, employment of United States citizens, funds available for investigation of 502 President of United States, protection, appropriation for 188 Rewards, appropriation for 188 Federal Coal Mine Safety Board of Review, appropriation for 103 Federal Communications Commission: Appropriation for 55, 504 Communications Act of 1934, amendment, newscasts, equal time provisions to public office candidates, applicability 557 Ninth Plenary Assembly of the International Radio Consultative Committee, free communication services authorized 15 Report to Congress, newscasts, equal time provisions, recommendations. 557 Federal Credit Union Act 628 federal Credit Unions: Conversion from Federal to State and from State to Federal credit unions. 638 Dividends, semiannual 634 Loan maturity raised 630 Robbery and incidental crimes, inclusion under criminal laws 639 Space in Federal buildings, allotment.. 638 Territorial applicability 639 Unsecured loan limit raised 633 Federal Crop Insurance Act, Amendment. 278 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, appropriation for 51, 175, 177 Federal Deposit Insurance Act, Amendment, acting Comptroller of the Currency, designation upon vacancy in office 460 Federal Employees' Compensation Act: Federal land bank employees, nonap plicability in respect to death or injury 388 Funds for effecting provisions 339 Pension or compensation election 289 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Act of 1954: Administration, reimbursement of Civil Service Commission, funds for 602

Federal Employees* Group Life Insurance ^^^^ Act of 1954—Continued Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, employee coverage under 706 Amendment, insurance after age sixtyfive 701 Federal Employees Health Benefits Act of 1959 _. 708 Administration by Civil Service Commission 715 Advisory Committee, appointment 716 Contracting authority 712 Contributions 713 Definitions 709 Election of coverage 710 Employees Health Benefits Fund, creation 714 Health benefits plans 711 Jurisdiction of courts 716 Types of benefits 712 Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945: Amendments— Annual income 436 Farm credit banks, employees, applicability 389 Pay periods, charge methods 268 Nonapplicability to certain Defense Department overseas teachers and teaching positions 217 Federal Employees Salary Increase Act of 1958, Amendments: Scientific or professional positions, additional, authorized— Agriculture, Department of 651 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of 651 Federal Executive Pay Act of 1956, Amendments: Administrative Assistant Attorney General, salary 651 Administrative Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, salary 651 Administrative Assistant Secretary of Labor, salary 651 Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Interior, salary 651 Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, salary 651 Assistant Director of Administrative Office of the United States Courts, redesignated Deputy Director 652 Chief Counsel of the Internal Revenue Service, salary 651 Commissioner of Education, salary 651 Commissioner of Social Security, salary. 651 Deputy Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, salary 651 Federal Facilities Corporation, administrative expenses, limitation 55, 515