Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/1070

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[73 Stat. D100]
[73 Stat. D100]



Senate—Continued ^»«f« Furniture, appropriation for 47, 400 Inquiries and investigations, appropriation for 58, 400, 443 Joint committees, congressional. See separate title. Legislative Counsel, Office of, appropriation for 58, 399 Legislative reorganization, appropriation for 58, 399 Majority and Minority, Offices of the Secretaries for the, appropriation for 399, 401 Majority and Minority leaders— Automobiles, purchase, maintenance, etc., appropriation for 58, 400 Expense allowance, appropriation for 398 Research assistants, salary 48 Majority and Minority Whips, Offices of the, appropriation for 399 Office buildings—• Additional— Construction and equipment; furniture and furnishings, appropriation for 49 Extension of site, appropriation for_ 408 Protection, appropriation for 406 Remodeling and maintenance, ap408 propriation for 408 Pages, education of, appropriation for_ 59, 406 Periodical Press Gallery, employment of an Assistant Superintendent 47 Policy committees, appropriation for. _ 58, 400 President of the Senate— Appointments by— Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, members 704 C a n a d a - United States Interparliamentary Group, m e m b e r s, _ 72 Joint Economic Committee, eight members 3 Automobile, purchase, maintenance, etc., appropriation for 58,400 Compensation and mileage for, appropriation for 398 Reports to — Defense, Department of, aircraft, missiles, and naval vessels, procurement, cost, etc 322 Military construction contracts 319 Stationery and postage, appropriation for 401 ' President pro tempore, automobile for, appropriation for 58, 40C Procurement policies and practices of the Defense Department, studies and reports 211

Senate—Continued ^*«« Public Works, Committee on, public building projects, approval 480 Reporting of Senate proceedings, a p p r o priation for 58, 400 R e s t a u r a n t s, appropriation for 401 Rules and Administration, Committee on, appropriation for 400 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation for 398,401 Sergeant a t Arms, Office of, appropriation for 47,399.401 Small Business, Select Committee on, appropriation for professional and clerical assistance 399 Service Extension Act of 1941, funds for effecting provisions 340 Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, funds for effecting provisions 340 Ships. See Vessels. Siletz Tribe of Indians, Greg., per capita distribution of certain funds 477 Silk Yarn, certain classifications, duty-free entry 470 Silver Discovery, commemoration medal authorized 33 Silver Purchase Act of 1934, Amendment, Alaska Omnibus Act 147 Sisters of the Visitation, D.C., amendment of Act incorporating 61 Slum Clearance. See Urban renewal under Housing. Small Business, Defense Department assistance to 379 Small Business, Select Committee on, appropriation for professional and clerical assistance 399 Small Business Act, Amendments 647 Small Business Administration: Appropriation for 56, 209 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, transfers from liquidation fund- 56,209 Research and management counseling, appropriation for 209 Revolving fund— Appropriation for 209 Loan limit increase; funds available for grants for research and counseling 647 Transfer of funds from, authority. _ 56, 209 Small business corporations, taxable status ' 699 Smith-Lever Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 169 Smithsonian Institution: Appropriation for 56, 106 Board of Regents, reappointment of R o b e r t V. Fleming as citizen regent14