Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/27

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[73 Stat. xxvii]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. xxvii]

L I S T OF PRIVATE LAWS CONTAINED IN T H I S V O L U M E Private Law 86-1 - - - Ellis Timber Co. AN ACT For the relief of the Ellis Timber Company 86-2 _ - - Elizabeth L. Leon. AN ACT For the relief of Elizabeth Lucie Leon (also known as Lucie Noel) 8 6 - 3 - - - T. V. Cashen. AN ACT For the relief of T. V. Cashen 86-4 - - - Mathilde Ringol. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Mathilde Ringol 86-5 -.. Logan Duff. AN ACT For the relief of Logan Duff 86-6 Sister Mary Damion and others. AN ACT For the relief of Sister M a r y Damion (Maria Saveria D'Amelio), Sister Maria Tarcisia (Maria Giovanna F e n u t a), and Sister Mary Regina (Maria Lizzi) 86-7. - - Oliver 0. Newsome. AN ACT For the relief of Oliver O. Newsome 86-8 Dimitrios Kondoleon. AN ACT For the relief of Dimitrios Kondoleon (also known as J a m e s Kondolous) 86-9. - - Otis Parks and others. AN ACT For the relief of Otis Parks, W. B. D u n b a r, and J. C. Dickey 86-10 Paul M. Tedder, posthumous award. AN ACT To provide for a posthumous cash award in recognition of the scientific contributions in the field of electronic ordnance made by the late Paul M. Tedder 86-11 - - - Milo G. Wingard and wife. AN ACT To provide for the payment of relocation expenses to Milo G. and Patricia Wingard 86-12 _-- Sterilon Corp. AN ACT For the relief of the Sterilon Corporation 86-13 — American Hydrotherm Corp. AN ACT For the relief of the American H y d r other m Corporation 86-14 - _. Lois K. Alexander. AN ACT For the relief of Lois K. Alexander 86-15 — Hilary W. Jenkins, Jr., and others. AN ACT For the relief of Hilary W. Jenkins, Junior 86-16 --_ Virginia E. Speer. AN ACT For the relief of Virginia E. Speer 86-17 — Armed Forces. Relief of certain members. AN ACT For the relief of certain members of the Armed Forces of the United States, or their survivors, who were captured and held as prisoners of war in the Korean hostilities 86-18 — Samuel Abraham and others. AN ACT For the relief of Samuel Abraham, J o h n A. Carroll, Forrest E. Robinson, T h o m a s J. Sawyers, Jack Silmon, and David N. Wilson 86-19 — Pearl Harbor. Relief of certain claimants. AN ACT To provide for the payment of just compensation to certain claimants for the taking by the United States of private fisherj^ rights in Pearl H a r b o r, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii86-20 — Viktors Neimanis. AN ACT For the relief of Viktors Neimanis 86-21 - - - Lenora Bent. AN ACT For the relief of Lenora Bent 86-22 -__ Alan Doctors and others. JOINT RESOLUTION To waive certain provisions of section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act in behalf of certain aliens 86-23 - _ - Jim B. Hill. AN ACT For the relief of J i m B. Hill 86-24 - - - Richard A. Nunes, Jr., estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Richard A n t h o n y Nunes, Junior 86-25 - - - Gertrude E. Shelter. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Gertrude E. Shetler 86-26 - _ - Mame E. Howell. AN ACT For the relief of Miss M a m e E. Howell



Mar. 31, 1959..


May 4 1959. May 13 1959.

A3 A4

May 13 1959. May 13 1959.

A4 A4

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May 13 1959


May 13 1959.


May 13 1959.


M a v 13 1959.


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May 13, 1959-..-


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May 29 1959.


June 10, 1959-..June 10, 1959--.

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June 23, 1959--June 23, 1959---


June 23, 1959...


June 23, 1959.--


June 23, 1959..-

