Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/294

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[73 Stat. 256]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 256]


22 u*sc 19?!.

PUBLIC LAW 86-108-JULY 24, 1959

[73 S T A T.

their living conditions. The Congress also recognizes that international efforts are needed to assist such peoples in bringing diseases and other health deficiencies under control, in preventing their spread or reappearance, and in eliminating their basic causes. Accordingly, the Congress affirms that it is the policy of the United States to accelerate its efforts to encourage and support international cooperation in programs directed toward the conquest of diseases and other health deficiencies. (b) In order to carry out the purposes of subsection (a) of this section and in order to plan logically for an orderly expansion of United States support to international health activities, the President is authorized to undertake, in cooperation directly with other governments, or indirectly through utilizing the resources and services of the United Nations and the Organization of American States or any of their specialized agencies, programs and projects of research, studies, field surveys, trials, and demonstrations to determine the feasibility of future intensive programs for reduction, control, or eradication of disease problems of international importance. Of the funds appropriated pursuant to section 451(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended, the sum of $2,000,000 shall be available to carry out the purposes of this section. COLOMBO PLAN COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL COOPERATION

SEC. 502. To enable the United States to maintain membership in the Colombo Plan Council for Technical Cooperation, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated from time to time to the Department of State such sums as may be necessary for the payment by the United States of its share of the expenses of the Colombo Plan Council for Technical Cooperation. CHAPTER VI—CENTER FOR CULTURAL AND TECHNICAL INTERCHANGE BETWEEN EAST AND W E S T STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

SEC. 601. The purpose of this chapter is to promote better relations and understanding between the United States and the nations of Asia and the Pacific (hereinafter referred to as "the East") through cooperative study and research, by establishing in Hawaii a Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West, either as a branch of an existing institution of higher learning or as a separate institution, where scholars and students, in various fields from the nations of the East and the Western World may meet, studj^, exchange ideas and views, and conduct other activities primarily m support of the objectives of the United States Information and Edu2 2 ^i?s c^* 14 3 1 national Exchange Act of 1948, as amended, and title III of chapter II note. of the Mutual Security Act of 1954 and other Acts promoting the 2 2 ^iTs c*Vs 91- international educational, cultural, and related activities of the

1898. United States. ESTABLISHMENT or CENTER

tfs%^°'^ *° ^°"' ^^^* ^^^' ^^ o^<i6r to carry out the purposes of this chapter the Sec^'^^^' retary of State (hereinafter referred to as Secretary), after consultation with appropriate public and private authorities, shall on or before January 3, 1960, prepare and submit to the Congress a plan and program for—