Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/405

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[73 Stat. 367]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 367]




For pay, allowances, individual clothing, subsistence, interest on deposits, gratuities, permanent change of station travel (including all expenses thereof for organizational movements), expenses of temporary duty travel between permanent duty stations, for members of the Air Force on active duty (except those undergoing reserve training), cadets and aviation cadets, and expenses of apprehension and delivery of deserters, prisoners, and members absent without leave, including payment of rewards of not to exceed $25 in any one case, $3,912,000,000, and, in addition, $50,000,000, to be derived by transfer from the Air Force stock fund. RESERVE PERSONNEL, A R M Y

For pay, allowances, clothing, subsistence, gratuities, travel, and related expenses for personnel of the Army Reserve on active duty Avhile undergoing reserve training, or while performing drills or equivalent duty, and for members of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, as authorized by law, $231,700,000: Provided, That $29,700,000 of the funds provided in this appropriation shall be available only to meet the increased expenses necessary to maintain the Army Reserve at the strength provided for in this Act. RESERVE PERSONNEL, NAVY

For pay, allowances, clothing, subsistence, gratuities, travel, and related expenses for personnel of the Naval Reserve on active duty while undergoing reserve training, or while performing drills or equivalent duty, regular and contract enrollees in the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, and retainer pay, as authorized by law, $88,000,000. RESERVE PERSONNEL, MARINE CORPS

For pay, allowances, clothing, subsistence, gratuities, travel, and related expenses for personnel of the Marine Corps Reserve and the Marine Corps platoon leaders class on active duty while undergoing reserve training, or while performing drills or equivalent duty, as authorized by law, $24,300,000. RESERVE PERSONNEL, A I R FORCE

For pay, allowances, clothing, subsistence, gratuities, travel, and related expenses for personnel of the Air Force Reserve on active duty while undergoing reserve training or while performing drills or equivalent duty, and for members of the Air Reserve Officers' Training Corps, as authorized by law, $54,000,000. NATIONAL GUARD PERSONNEL, ARMY

For pay, allowances, clothing, subsistence, gratuities, travel, and related expenses for personnel of the Army National Guard while on duty under section 265 of title 10, United States Code, or while undergoing training or while performing drills or equivalent duty, as authorized by law, $234,961,000: Provided, That obligations may be incurred under this appropriation for the foregoing expenses for training of units designated for early deployment under mobilization plans or for antiaircraft defense of the United States and Hawaii without regard to section 107 of title 32, United States Code: Provided further. That the Army National Guard shall be maintained at an average strength of not less than four hundred thousand for the fiscal year 1960: Provided further, That $43,000,000 of the funds