Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/604

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[73 Stat. 566]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 566]


Titieto minerals.

PUBLIC LAW 86-284-SEPT. 16, 1959

[73 S T A T.

" (b) Title to the miiierals so granted shall be held by the United States in trust for the Indian owners, except that if upon the expiration of said fifty years, the entire Indian interest in the minerals within any allotment or parcel thereof is granted by this Act to a person or persons who at that time hold an unrestricted title to the lands overlying such minerals, then the Secretary of the Interior shall by fee patent transfer to such person or persons the unrestricted fee simple title to such minerals, which title shall vest in such person or persons as of the date of the patent." Approved September 16, 1959.

Public Law 86-284 September 16, 1959


[H. R. 213]

rp^ provide additional time witliin which certain State agreements under section 218 of the Social Security Act may be modified to secure coverage for nonprofessional school district employees, and to permit the States of California, Kansas, North Dakota, and Vermont to obtain social security coverage, under State agreement, for policemen and firemen in positions covered by a retirement system.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 104(f) s c h o o 1 employ- ^f ^^g Soclal SecuHty Amendments of 1956 is amended by striking 70 Stat. 826! out "prior to July 1, 1957," and inserting in lieu thereof "prior to Social Security.

42 USC 418note. j ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ y ^ ^ - ^ g g g, ".

42 USC 418.

SEC. 2. Subsection (p) of section 218 of the Social Security Act is amended by inserting "California," after "Alabama,"; "Kansas," after "Georgia,"; "North Dakota," after "North Carolina," and "Vermont," after "Tennessee,". SEC. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d)(5)(A) of section 218 of the Social Security Act and the references thereto in subsections (d)(1) and (d)(3) of such section 218, the agreement with the State of Oklahoma heretofore entered into pursuant to such section 218 may, at any time prior to 1962, be modified pursuant to subsection (c)(4) of such section 218 so as to apply to services performed by any individual employed by such State (or any political subdivision thereof) in any policeman's position covered by a retirement system in effect on the date of enactment of this Act if (1) in the case of an individual performing such services on such date, such individual is ineligible to become a member of such retirement system, or, in the case of an individual who prior to such date has ceased to perform such services, such individual was, on the last day he did perform such services, ineligible to become a member of such retirement system, and (2) such State has, prior to 1959, paid to the Secretary of the Treasury, with respect to any of the services performed by such individual in any such position, the sums prescribed pursuant to subsection (e)(1) of such section 218. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (f) of such section 218, such modification shall be effective with respect to (i) all services performed by such individual in any such position on or after the date of enactment of this Act, and (ii) all such services, performed before such date, with respect to which such State has paid to the Secretary of the Treasury the sums prescribed pursuant to subsection (e) of such section 218, at the time or times established pursuant to such subsection. Approved September 16, 1959.