Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/616

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[73 Stat. 578]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 578]


PUBLIC LAW 86-30a-8EPT. 21, 1959

[73 S T A T.

" (d) The members of the transportation agency shall receive no compensation for their services pursuant to this act, but they shall be entitled to be paid the expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in the performance of their duties. "3.5. Powers and duties of the transportation agency; interim plan, (a) The transportation agenc;^ shall promptly undertake a study of the conditions relating to transit services, and shall enter into negotiations and agreements with railroads, bus companies, and other common carriers rendering such services, as well as with municipalities, counties, and any public authority or agency of either or both of the states, for the purpose of preparing as rapidly as possible the exact terms of an interim plan or plans for the preservation, coordination consolidation, integration and improvement of essential transit facilities and services, so that there may be established transit services which will make the best possible use of existing transit facilities and services, and of such additional transit facilities and services as may be proposed as the result of such negotiations and agreements, consistent with the greatest possible reduction in financial deficit or deficits arising therefrom, if any, on the part of the contracting operators thereof. All such negotiations shall be directed to the execution of operating and facility agreements which shall contain provisions rendering the same binding upon the parties thereto on condition that all related agreements therein specified shall be entered into and that all of such agreements be approved by concurrent legislation. " (b) Upon the basis of such negotiations and agreements, the transportation agency shall prepare for submission to the governors and legislatures of the two states an interim plan or plans for the most efficient use of existing transit facilities and services, and of such additional transit facilities and services as may be provided in such agreements, all by the present operators thereof whenever possible, for the approval thereof by concurrent legislation. I n the preparation of any such interim plan, the transportation agency shall have the assistance and cooperation of any governmental agency or agencies of either or both of the states which may have information, data, personnel, or experience of value to the transportation agency for the better performance of its duties. All such agencies are directed to extend full assistance and cooperation to the transportation agency in furtherance thereof. Any such interim plan so submitted shall have annexed to it copies of all of the conditional agreements so negotiated, and may rovide for such modifications thereto in the event of approval as may e permitted by concurrent legislation. "(c) When and as any such interim plan shall be approved and authorized by concurrent legislation, the transportation agency and all other persons party to said agreements shall thereupon be bound thereto according to the terms thereof, and all parties shall thereupon proceed to perform the same. " (d) Any such interim plan shall also set forth any provisions considered necessary by way of amendment of or supplement to this compact in order to effectuate such plan, so that concurrent legislation for that purpose may be adopted. Any such concurrent legislation shall be sufficient to accomplish such amendment or supplement. "(e) All of the terms and conditions of any interim plan or plans so approved by concurrent legislation, and any amendments thereof or supplements thereto similarly approved, as well as the agreements annexed thereto, shall, in accordance with such concurrent legislation, take effect according to their terms and shall not be subject to the provisions of any law of either of the states in so far as the same might otherwise require submission to and approval by any governmental agency or agencies having jurisdiction thereof pursuant to such law.
