Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/632

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[73 Stat. 594]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 594]


Education program.

PUBLIC LAW 8 6 - 3 2 3 - S E P T. 21, 1959



provisions of this Act, such property and income derived therefrom by the distributee shall be subject to the same taxes, State and Federal, as in the case of non-Indians: Provided, That for the purpose of capital gains or losses the base value of the property shall be the value of the property when distributed to the grantee. SEC, 8, Prior to the revocation of the tribal constitution provided for in this Act, the Secretary is authorized to undertake, within the limits of available appropriations, a special program of education and training designed to help the members of the tribe to earn a livelihood, to conduct their own affairs, and to assume their responsibilities as citizens without special services because of their status as Indians. Such program may include language training, orientation in non-Indian community customs and living standards, vocational training and related subjects, transportation to the place of training or instruction, and subsistence during the course of training or instruction. For the purposes of such program, the Secretary is authorized to enter into contracts or agreements with any Federal, State, or local governmental agency, corporation, association, or persons. Nothing in this section shall preclude any Federal agency from undertaking any other program for the education and training of Indians with funds appropriated to it. Approved September 21, 1959.

Public Law 86-323 September 21, 1959 [H. R. 6190]

Arkansas. Conveyance.

70A Stat. 147.


AN ACT To direct the Secretary of the Army to convey the Ai-my and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, to the State of Arkansas, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) the Secretary of the Army is authorized and directed to convey to the State of Arkansas by quitclaim deed, without consideration and without regard to the provisions of section 2662 of title 10 of the United States Code, but subject to the conditions, limitations, and reservations hereinafter set forth, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to approximately twenty-one acres, more or less, of land located at Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, which comprise a part of the reservation presently occupied by the Army and Navy General Hospital, together with all buildings and improvements situated thereon and all appurtenances and utilities belonging or appertaining thereto, (b) The conveyance authorized by this Act may not include any part of that portion of the Hot Springs National Park, comprising approximately three and one-half acres hereinafter described by metes" and bounds, presently occupied in part by the National Park Service, or any building, improvement, appurtenance, or utility appertaining thereto, or any personal property situated thereon. Such buildings, improvements, appurtenances, and utilities are hereby transferred to the Department of the Interior. The limitation made by the first sentence of this subsection applies to that portion of such park described as follows: Beginning at the west iron road gate post on the property line at Reserve Avenue at point A, northwesterly along the curb line to point B approximately midway along the curb line immediately east of building numbered 16; thence northeasterly to terminus of the rock wall at point C; thence