Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/642

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[73 Stat. 604]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 604]


Appointment of guardians.

Tax exemption.

Attachments levies.

Legal etc.

PUBLIC LAW 86-339-SEPT. 21, 1959

[73 S T A T,

appraised value on the date of this Act, and the Secretary? shall cause an independent appraisal thereof to be made by an appraiser he shall select who shall be approved jointly by the band and the city before proceeding with such appraisal, the costs for the appraisal to be shared by the band and the city; thereafter the Secretary shall review the completed appraisal and shall, if approved, then submit copies to both the band and the city for their approval which shall be either accepted or rejected in writing within thirty days; and if within three hundred and sixty-five days after joint acceptance of such appraisal by the band and the city, the city accepts the offer and tenders payment in full, the Secretary shall complete the sale, and any allottees who may have made or who may thereafter make an equalization selection from the lands sold to the city shall receive in lieu of the allotment selected his proportionate share of the proceeds of the sale. SEC. 4. The Secretary shall request the appointment of a guardian of the estate of all minor allottees and for those adult allottees who in his judgment are in need of assistance in handling their affairs in accordance with applicable State laws before making any equalization allotment or payment to such persons. SEC. 5. (a) The right to an equalization allotment or to a cash payment in lieu thereof pursuant to section 3, subsection (d), of this Act, shall be transferable by will or descent in the same manner as are trust payments under existing law and shall not be subject to State or Federal inheritance, estate, legacy, or succession taxes. (b) A cash payment made in lieu of an equalization allotment pursuant to section 3, subsection (d), of this Act shall not be regarded as income or capital gain for purposes of Federal or State income taxation and shall not, as long as it remains in the form of cash or a bank deposit in the ownership of the allottee, be subject to taxation as personal property. SEC. 6. (a) Equalization allotments made pursuant to this Act shall not be subject to assignment, sale, or hypothecation or to any attachment or levy for claims or debts created before or after the effective date of this Act, without the written approval of the Secretary, and any such assignment, sale, hypothecation, attachment, or levy that has not been so approved by the Secretary shall be absolutely null and void. (b) No equalization allotment made pursuant to this Act, and no basic allotment made prior to this Act, shall be subject to an equitable charging lien or other charge or lien or enforced sale for any advantage or benefit which the allottee has received or will receive under or as a consequence of enactment of this Act, nor shall any lis pendens heretofore or hereafter filed upon such lands while in a restricted status be of any effect or constitute notice of any action. Whoever directly or indirectly accepts or receives any money or other form of compensation for legal services in connection with such restricted lands from any person who has not expressly employed him as his attorney shall be liable, in a civil action brought by the payor or his heirs or devisees or by the United States on his behalf, for twice the amount so accepted or received unless, prior to the time of acceptance or receipt of said compensation, the right to such compensation has been determined and the amount thereof fixed by a formal order of the Federal court having jurisdiction to make such order. Nothing herein provided shall be construed to prevent any attorney from petitioning the Federal court having jurisdiction to fix and determine the fees to which he is entitled and to pursue and enforce payment thereof in any lawful manner after the court has made such order.