Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/722

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[73 Stat. 684]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 684]


PUBLIC LAW 86-372-SEPT. 23, 1969



lation which is covered by mortgages insured under this Act. Any such certificate issued by the Secretary of Defense or his designee shall be conclusive evidence to the Commissioner of the eligibility of the mortgage for insurance in accordance with the requirements of this subsection. "(c) The Commissioner may accept any mortgage for insurance under this section without regard to any requirement in any other section of this Act that the property or project be economically sound. " (d) The Commissioner shall require each project covered by a mortgage insured under this section to be held for rental for a period of not less than five years after the project or dwelling is made available for initial occupancy or until advised by the Secretary of Defense or his designee that the housing may be released from such rental condition. The Commissioner shall prescribe such procedures as in his judgment are necessary to secure reasonable preference or priority in the sale or rental of dwellings covered by a mortgage insured under this section for military personnel and essential civilian employees of the armed services, and employees of contractors for the armed services, as evidenced by certification issued by the Secretary of Defense or his designee. Such certificate shall be conclusive evidence to the Commissioner of the employment status of the person requiring housing and of such person's need for the housing. "(e) For the purpose of providing multifamily rental housing projects or housing projects consisting of individual single-family dwellings for sale, the Commissioner is authorized to insure mortgages (including advances on such mortgages during construction) which cover property held by a private corporation, association, cooperative society, or trust. Any such mortgagor shall possess powers necessary therefor and incidental thereto and shall until the termination of all obligations of the Commissioner under such insurance be regulated or restricted as to rents or sales, charges, capital structure, rate of return, and methods of operation to such extent and in such manner as to provide reasonable rentals to tenants and a reasonable return on the investment. The Commissioner may make such contracts with, and acquire for not to exceed $100 such stock or interest in, any such corporation, association, cooperative society, or trust as he may deem necessary to render effective such restriction or regulation. Such stock or interest shall be paid for out of the Armed Services Housing Mortgage Insurance Fund, and shall be redeemed by the corporation, association, cooperative society, or trust at par upon the termination of all obligations of the Commissioner under the insurance. "(f) To be eligible for insurance under this section, a mortgage on any multifamily rental property or project shall involve a principal obligation in an amount (1) not to exceed $5,000,000 or (2) not to exceed, for such part of such property or project as may be attributable to dwelling use, $2,500 per room (or $9,000 per family unit if the number of rooms in such property or project is less than four per family unit), and not to exceed 90 per centum of the estimated value of the property or project when the proposed physical improvements are completed. The Commissioner may increase any of the foregoing dollar amount limitations per room contained in this paragraph by not to exceed $1,000 per room in any geographical area where he finds that cost levels so require. " (g) To be eligible for insurance under this section a mortgage on any property or project constructed for eventual sale of single-family dwellings shall involve a principal obligation in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 and not to exceed a sum computed on the basis of a separate mortgage for each single-family dwelling (irrespective of whether such dwelling has a party wall or is otherwise physically con-