PRIVATE LAW 86-189-SEPT. 21, 1959
Myon Yon is coming to the United States with a bona fide intention of being married to the said Thomas P. L'Esperance and that they are found otherwise admissible under the immigration hiws. In the event the marriage between the above-named persons does not occur within three months after the entry of the said Kim Myon Yon and her minor child, they shall be required to depart from the United States and upon failure to do so shall be deported in accordance with 8 U S C ^25 2, ^j^g provisions of sections 242 and 243 of the Immigration and 1253. Nationality Act. I n the event that the marriage between the abovenamed persons shall occur within three months after the entry of the said Kim Myon Yon and her minor child, the Attorney General is authorized and directed to record the lawful admission for permanent residence of the said Kim Myon Yon and her minor child as of the date of the payment by them of the required visa fee. Wong Ting Quey SEC. 21. For the purposes of sections 101(a) (27)(A) and 205 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Wong Ting Quey shall be held and considered to be the minor natural-born alien child of Mr. and Mrs. Chun Pang I^eung, citizens of the United States. Wong Bick Sue SEC. 22. For the purposes of sections 101(a) (27)(A) and 205 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the minor child, Wong Bick Sue, shall be held and considered to be the natural-born alien child of Mr. and Mrs. Chun Pang Jjeung, citizens of the United States. Saeko Higa* SEC. 23. For the purposes of sections 203(a)(3) and 205 of the 66 Stat. 178, 180. 8 USC 1153, Immigration and Nationality Act, Saeko Higa shall be held and con1155, sidereji to be the minor alien child of Kame Higa, a lawful permanent resident of the United States. Approved September 21, 1959.
Private Law 86-189 September 21, 1959 [H. R. 1455]
A2c. Gerardo R. D o b a r g ane s y Torres.
Conferriiif? United
AN ACT .States citizenship posthumously upon Gerardo Rafael Dobarganes y Torres.
Be it enacted by the Senate mid House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Airman Second Class (xerardo Rafael Dobarganes y Torres, AF14605811, a native of Cuba, who served honorably in the United States Air Force from September 6, 1956, until his death on June 12, 1958, shall be held and ccmsidered to have been a citizen of the United States at the time of his death. Approved September 21, 1959. Private Law 86-190
September 21, 1959 [H. R 1499]
Gordon L. Johnston. 66 Stat. 163. 8 USC 1101 note.
8 USC 1183.
AN ACT For the relief of Gordon Langlands Johnston.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, for the purposes of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Gordon Langlands tJohnston shall be held and considered to have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence as of the date of the enactment of this Act, upon payment of the required visa fee: Provided, That a suitable and proper bond or undertaking, approved by the Attorney General, be deposited as prescribed by section 213 of the said Act. Approved September 21, 1959.