Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/86

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[73 Stat. 48]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 48]


PUBLIC LAW 86-30-MAY 20, 1959

[73 S T A T.


For an additional amount for "Miscellaneous items", $81,290: Provided, That effective May 1, 1959, the basic salaries of the research assistants to the majority and minority leaders, as authorized by S. Res. 158, agreed to December 9, 1941, may be fixed by the respective leaders at not to exceed $8,820 basic per annum each. POSTAGE STAMPS

For an additional amount for maintenance of a supply of stamps in the Senate Post Office, $2,000. STATIONERY (REVOLVING F U N D)

For an additional amount for "Stationery (revolving fund)", $1,780, to remain available until expended. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

For payment to Mary S. Polk, widow of James G. Polk, late a Representative from the State of Ohio, $22,500. For payment to Herman P. Eberharter, Junior, and James J. Eberharter, sons of Herman P. Eberharter, late a Representative from the State of Pennsylvania, $22,500. For payment to Constance L. Horst, Bettie J. Butler, and H a r r y L. McGregor, children of J. H a r r y McGregor, late a Representative from the State of Ohio, $22,500. For payment to Edna Simpson, widow of Sidney E. Simpson, late a Representative from the State of Illinois, $22,500. For payment to the children of George H. Christopher, late a Representative from the State of Missouri, $22,500. For payment to Georgia T. Reed, widow of Daniel A. Reed, late a Representative from the State of New York, $22,500. CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE HOUSE

Reporting Hearings For an additional amount, fiscal year 1958, for "Reporting hearings", $10,000. Postage Stamps For airmail and special-delivery postage stamps, for the first ses72 Stat 934. giou of the 86th Congress, as authorized by Public Law 85-778, 2 USC 42c. 42d..^ppj.Q^g^j August 27, 1958, $183,640. ARCHITECT or THE CAPITOL EXTENSION OF THE CAPITOL

To enable the Architect of the Capitol, under the direction of the Commission for Extension of the United States Capitol, to continue to provide for the extension, reconstruction, and replacement of the central portion of the United States Capitol and other improvements authorized under the heading "Extension of the Capitol" in the Act 40use i66note. ^f August 5, 1955 (69 Stat. 515, 516), as amended, $4,000,000.