Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/1110

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[74 Stat. 12]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 12]


PRIVATE LAW 86-258-APE. 9, 1960



Private Law 86-258 April 9, 1960 [H. R. 825 I]

Tatsumi Ajisaka and others.

J. V i c to r C o x and others.

Mllbur R. H a r rington and others.

Jimmie M. McAdams and others.

Pablo Santos and others.

AN ACT For the relief of Tatsumi Ajisaka and others. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to each of the following claimants, or to his survivors, the sum designated, in full satisfaction of his claim against the United States, which sum represents the reasonable value of each claimant's personal property lost, damaged, or destroyed at a result of typhoon "Olive" which occurred at Wake Island on September 16, 1952, where each claimant was required to be incident to his service as an employee of the United States Government: Tatsumi Ajisaka, $184; Paul Baker, $418.75; George S. Baldwin, $338; Renato Bisagni, $162; Louis A. Bove, $2,152.94; Lional A. Broad, $702.95; Edward H. Brown, $706; Harold Burguess, $189; Rocco J. Caporaso, $426; Grant Byron Carver, $648; Louis A. Casses, Junior, $175; Elmer M. Chadsey, $741; Clifton J. Champion, Junior, $410; Joe' Chang Chang, $950.50; Stanley S. Chapman, $73; William Edward Cobb, $71; Vivian Eugene Cole, $2,083.94; Francis J. Cooper, Junior, $1,133.50; R. Gerald Cowles, $317.25; J. Victor Cox, $1,831.45; Joseph H. Cunningham, $210; Keith C. Elliott, $24.15; Paul Ellis, $105; Harold J. Emery, $319; Walter D. Erwin, Junior, $206.25; Joseph K. Ezaki, $61; Ben H. Fancher, $70.54; Harry Feurstein, $325; Alexander Fisher, Senior, $1,205.85; Walton A. Follansbee, $684; James Garrigan, $94.10; John Zell Gaston, doctor of medicine, $1,468.80; William I. Gordon, $595; Attilio F. Gramolini, $687.65; Emil E. Guenther, $119.25; Carl H. Gustaveson, $126; Richard H. Hagenmeyer, $468; H a r r y H. Hangai, $69; Donald S. Harkins, $60; Milbur R. Harrington, $276.26; Sadahiro Hatada, $131.40; Gonzalo T. Hernandez, $491.60; Harry V. Hightman, $1,233.49; Richard F. Jipp, $207; Newton O. Johnson, $153; George Kaheiki, $420.60; Kahalepea Kaheiki, $148; Abraham Kamahana, $215.50; Warren A. Kernaghan, $263.50; James Kiakona, $942; Tetusuo Kobayaski, $145.50; Tandy Kualii, $89.20; Samuel K. I ^ e T^y, $58; F. William LeFevre, $243.50; Emil C. Lohrke, $372.75; James D. Lott, $555; Adolphus A. Mason, $3,858.06; Philip J. Maxted, $1,741.50; Frank Mazewski, $589; Jimmie M. McAdams, $1,196; Von McFarland, $154.95; Ralph M. Mitsui, $20; James T. Moran, $352; Frederick A. Morse, $506.25; Minoru Murakami, $40; John A. Murray, Junior, $391; Thomas D. Musson, $749.30; Frederick E. Mustermann, $180; Soyei Nakasone, $340.30; Luther Nathaniel, $220.50; Harold B. Ohata, $76; Larry Y. Okamoto, $140; Yutaka Okimoto, $161.05; Patrick E. O'Sullivan, $169.15; Eugene M. Owens, $489.75; James L. Parr, $112.90; Howard Robert Pearson, $52; Thomas F. Plumley, $204.25; John J. Ponikvar, $75; Clyde V. Preece, $966; George A. Puckett, $515.60; Haden E. Rogers, $1,031.50; Pablo Santos, $144.40; Masakazu Sasaki, $241.95; John W. Schneider, $1,775.78; Ellend A. Sime, $210.79; Robert B. Stein, $541.70; Frederick A. Stolz, $253.95; David S. Sugimoto, $259.70; Edw^ard Tom Hoon, $1,126.50; Achibald B. Trent, $1,145.46; Emil C. Treskon, $173; Roland S. Tsuhako, $286; Harold Q. Van Dyke, Junior, $191; Nathan S. Waldrop, $760.60; Clyde L. Walsworth, $40; Daniel A. Ward, $346; Charles R. Whitfield, $159; Charles W. Wiedeman, $267;