Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/145

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[74 Stat. 105]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 105]

74 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 8 6 - 4 5 5 - M A Y 13, 1960


of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, $550,000, includ- P^^^f^ |"^; ing not to exceed $200,000 for administrative and technical services, to 2093. remain avaihible mitil expended. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT OF LANDS AND RESOURCES

For expenses necessary for protection^ use, improvement, development, disposal, cadastral surveying, classification, and performance of other functions, as authorized by law, in the management of lands and their resources under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, $25,950,000. CONSTRUCTION

For construction of access roads, acquisition of rights-of-way and of existing connecting roads (other than on or adjacent to the revested Oregon and California Railroad grant lands), and acquisition and construction of buildings and appurtenant facilities, $350,000, to remain available until expended. OREGON AND CALIFORNIA GRANT LANDS

For construction, operation and maintenance of access roads, reforestation, and other improvements on the revested Oregon and California Railroad grant lands; and acquisition of rights-of-way and of existing connecting roads on or adjacent to such lands; an amount equivalent to 25 per centum of the aggregate of all receipts during the current fiscal year from such lands, to remain available until expended: Provided, That the amount appropriated herein for road construction shall be transferred to the Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Commerce: Provided further, That the amount appropriated herein is hereby made a reimbursable charge against the Oregon and California land-grant fund and shall be reimbursed to the general fund in the Treasury in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of subsection (b) of title II of the Act of August 28, 1937 (50 Stat. 876): Provided further, That any unexpended balances heretofore appropriated under the head "Construction", for construction of access roads and acquisition of rights-of-way and of existing connecting roads on or adjacent to the revested Oregon and California Railroad grant lands, shall be merged with this appropriation.

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Appropriations for the Bureau of Land Management shall be available for purchase of twenty-eight passenger motor vehicles for replacement only; purchase of two aircraft (one of which shall be for replacement o n l y); purchase, erection, and dismantlement of temporary structures; and alteration and maintenance of necessary buildings and appurtenant facilities to which the United States has title: Provided, That of appropriations herein made for the Bureau of Land Management expenditures in connection with the revested Oregon and California Railroad and reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands (other than expenditures made under the appropriation "Oregon and California grant lands") shall be reimbursed from the 25 per centum referred to in subsection (c), title II, of the Act approved August 28, 1937 (50 Stat. 876), of the special fund designated the "Oregon and California land-grant fund" and section 4 of the Act approved May 24, 1939 (53 Stat. 754), of the special fund designated the "Coos Bay Wagon Road grant fund": Provided further, That appropriations

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