Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/161

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[74 Stat. 121]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 121]

74 S T A T. ] (f)

PUBLIC LAW 8 6 - 4 5 7 - M A Y 13, 1960


Projecf 61-f-l, bubble chamber house, Brookhaveii National Laboratory, New York, $1,660,000. Project 61-f-2, Princeton-Pennsylvania accelerator addition, Princeton, New Jersey, $10,820,000. Project 61-f-3, accelerator and reactor additions and modifications, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, $1,085,000. Project 61-f-4, high flux isotope reactor, Oak Kidge National Laboratory, Tennessee, $12,000,000. Project 61-f-5, accelerator improvements, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, California, $500,000. Project 61-f-6, major bevatron improvements, Lawrence Radiation l^aboratory, California, $9,600,000. Project 61-f-7, design and engineering, linear electron accelerator, $3,000,000. Project 61-f-8, materials research laboratory. University of Illinois, $5,600,000. Project 61-f-9, radiation laboratory. University of Notre Dame, $2,200,000. (g) PHYSICAL RESEARCH.—

Project 61-g-l, metallurgy building extension, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, $655,000. Project 61-g-2, addition to cyclotron building, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, California, $500,000. (h) BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE.—

Project 61-h-l, installations for support of biomedical research in atomic energy, $5,000,000. (i) COMMUNITY.—

Project 61-i-l, real estate development, Los Alamos, New Mexico, $435,000. Project 61-i-2, elementary school addition, Los Alamos, New Mexico, $145,000. Project 61-i-3, steam transmission line, Los Alamos, New Mexico, $135,000. (j) GENERAL PLANT PROJECTS.—$34,175,000.

SEC. 102. LIMITATIONS.—(a) The Commission is authorized to start any project set forth in subsections 101(a), (b), (d), (f), and (h), only if the currently estimated cost of that project does not exceed by more than 25 per centum the estimated cost set forth for that project. (b) The Commission is authorized to start any project set forth in subsections 101(c), (e), (g), and (i), only if the currently estimated cost of that project does not exceed by more than 10 per centum the estimated cost set forth for that project. (c) The Commission is authorized to start a project under subsection 101(j) only if it is in accordance with the following: 1. For community operations, the maximum currently estimated cost of any project shall be $100,000 and the maximum currently estimated cost of any building included in such project shall be $10,000. 2. For all other programs, the maximum currently estimated cost of any project shall be $500,000 and the maximum currently estimated cost of any building included in such a project shall be $100,000, 3. The total cost of all projects undertaken under subsection 101(j) shall not exceed the estimated cost set forth in that subsection by more than 10 per centum. SEC. 103. ADVANCE PLANNING AND DESIGN.—There are hereby authorized to be appropriated funds for advance planning, construction design, and architectural services, in connection with projects which are not otherwise authorized by law, and the Atomic Energy