Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/178

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[74 Stat. 138]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 138]


22 USC 1932. 22 USC 1939. 22 USC 1940.

PUBLIC LAW 86-472--MAY 14, 1960

[74 S T A T.

(1) I n subsection (b), which relates to certain expenses of administering nonmilitary assistance, strike out "1960" and "$39,500,000" and substitute "1961" and "$40,000,000", respectively. (2) I n subsection (c), which relates to administrative and other expenses of the Department of State, strike out "to" after "appropriated" and substitute "for expenses or". (k) Section 412, which relates to the President's special education and training fund, is repealed. ^Y) I n section 419(a), which relates to atoms for peace, strike out "1960" and "$6,500,000" and substitute "1961" and "$3,400,000", respectively. (in) A(i^^ the following new section after section 420: " SEC. 421. LOANS TO SMALL FARMERS.—It is the policy of the United

States and the purpose of this section to strengthen the economies of underdeveloped nations, and in nations where the economy is essentially rural or based on small villages, to provide assistance designed to improve agricultural methods and techniques, to stimulate and encourage the development of local programs of self-help and mutual cooperation, particularly through loans of foreign currencies for associations of operators of small farms, formed for the purpose of joint action designed to increase or diversify agricultural productivity. The maximum unpaid balance of loans made to any association under this section may not exceed $25,000 at any one time; and the aggregate unpaid balance of all loans made under this section may not exceed $10,000,000 at any one time." CHAPTER III—CONTINGENCY F U N D

22 USC 1951.

SEC. 301. Section 451(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended, which relates to the President's special authority and contingency fund, is amended by striking out '^1960" and "$155,000,000" in the first sentence and substituting "1961" and "$150,000,000", respectively. CHAPTER IV—GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS

22 USC 1754.

SEC. 401. Chapter IV of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended, which relates to general and administrative provisions, is amended as follows: (a) Section 502, which relates to use of foreign currency, is amended as follows: (1) Subsection (b) is amended as follows: (i) Insert after the word "expended" in the proviso the words "and the amounts of dollar expenditures made from appropriated funds in connection with travel outside the United States". (ii) Amend the second sentence to read as follows: "Within the first sixty days that Congress is in session in each calendar year, the chairman of each such committee shall prepare a consolidated report showing the total itemized expenditures during the preceding calendar year of the committee and each subcommittee thereof, incurred as a result of the official activities of the members and employees of such committee or subcommittee, and shall forward such consolidated report to the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives (if the committee be a committee of the House of Representatives or a joint committee whose funds are disbursed by the Clerk of the House) or to the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate (if the committee be a Senate committee or a joint committee whose funds are disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate)."