Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/340

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[74 Stat. 300]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 300]

300 60 Stat. 1003.

PUBLIC LAW 86.588-JULY 1, 1960

[74 S T A T.

(c) The second sentence of section 415 of such Act (22 U.S.C. 870) is amended to read as follows: "The per annum rates of staff officers and employees within each class shall be as follows: "Classl Class2 Class3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8.. Class9.. CllsslO Class 11 Class 12 Class 13 Class 14.. ClasslS Class 16 d i s s 17 Class 18 Class 19 Class20 Class 21 Class 22






$12,665 $13,030 11,740 12,065 10,785 11,095 9,780 10,090 9,025 9,285 8,270 8,500 7,515 7,745 6,760 6,990 6,005 6,235 5,500 5,690 5,000 5,165 4,495 4,650 4,010 4,165 3,550 3,705 3,325 3,440 3,095 3,176 2,860 2,940 2,640 2,720 2,410 2,490 2,180 2,260 1,950 2,030 1,720 1,800

$13,405 12,390 11,405 10,400 9,545 8,730 7,975 7,220 6,465 5,880 5,310 4,805 4,320 3,860 3,555 3,265 3,020 2,800 2,670 2,340 2,110 1,880

$13,780 12,715 ll,71f 10,710 9,805 8,960 8,205 7,450 6,695 6,070 5,465 4,960 4,475 4,015 3,670 3,335 3,100 2,880 2,660 2,420 2,190 1,960

$14,155 13,040 12,025 11,020 10,065 $10,325 9,180 9,420 8,435 8,665 7,680 7,910 6,925 7,155 6,260 6,450 $6,640 5,620 5,775 6,930 5,115 5,270 5,425 4,630 4,785 4,940 4,170 4,325 4,480 3,785 3,900 4,015 3,415 3,495 3,576 3,180 3,260 3,340 2,960 3,040 3,120 2,730 2,810 2,890 2,500 2,580 2,660 2,270 2,360 2,430 2,040 2,120 2,200"

(d) Foreign Service officers, Reserve officers, and Foreign Service staff officers and employees who are entitled to receive basic compensation immediately prior to the effective date of this section at one of the step rates provided by section 412 or section 415 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, shall receive basic compensation on or after the effective date of this section at the corresponding step rate as provided by such section 412 or 415 as amended by this section. EMPLOYEES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY I N THE V E T E R A N S ' ADMINISTRATION

72 Stat. 1243.

gj,^. 114. (a) Section 4103(b) of title 38 of the United States Code, relating to the annual salary of the Chief Medical Director of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration, is amended by striking out "$19,580" and inserting in lieu thereof "$21,050". (b) Section 4103(c) of such title, relating to the annual salary of the Deputy Chief Medical Director of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration, is amended by striking out "$18,480" and inserting in lieu thereof "$19,870". (c) Section 4103(d) of such title, relating to the annual salaries of the Assistant Chief Medical Directors and the directors of service or chiefs of division of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration, is amended— (1) by striking out "$17,380" and inserting in lieu thereof "$18,685"; and (2) by striking out "$14,545 minimum to $16,500 maximum" and inserting in lieu thereof "$15,640 minimum to $17,740 maximum". (d) Section 4103(e) of such title, relating to the annual salaries of the Director of Nursing Service and the Deputy Director of Nursing Service of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration, is amended— (1) by striking out "$12,770 minimum to $13,970 maximum" and inserting in lieu thereof "$13,730 minimum to $15,030 maximum"; and (2) by striking out "$11,355 minimum to $12,555 maximum" and inserting in lieu thereof "$12,210 minimum to $13,510 maximum".