Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/542

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[74 Stat. 502]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 502]


58 Stat. 891.

Short title.

PUBLIC LAW 86-645-JULY 14, 1960



Reservoir as a part of plans for flood control and water conservation in the Nueces, San Antonio and Guadalupe River Basins of Texas: Provided, That the State of Texas or its agencies contribute toward the cost of such study such funds or services as the Secretary of the Army may deem appropriate: Provided fv/rtlier^ That the findings of such study shall be presented in a joint, report signed by the appropriate representatives of the Governor of Texas and of the Chief of Engineers. ,SEC. 210. In addition to previous authorizations, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $60,000,000 for the prosecution of the comprehensive plan adopted by section 9(a) of the Act approved December 22, 1944 (Public Law Numbered'534, Seventy-eighth Congress), as amended and supplemented hj subsequent Acts of Congress, for continuing the works in the Missouri River Basin to be undertaken under said plans by the Secretary of the Interior. SEC. 211. (a) The Secretary of the Army is authorized and directed to pay to any bona fide lessee or permittee owning improvements, which are or which were situated on a railroad right-of-way, the fair value of any such improvements, which have been or will be rendered inoperative or be otherwise adversely affected by the construction of the Tuttle Creek Reservoir project on the Blue River, Kansas, as determined b j the Secretary, or by the United States District Court for the District of Kansas on which is conferred jurisdiction for this purpose. (b) The Secretary of the Army is authorized to provide the funds necessary to carry out the provisions of this section from any moneys appropriated for the construction of the Tuttle Creek Reservoir project. SEC. 212. Title II of this Act may be cited as the "Flood Control Act of 1960". TITLE III-^ACQUISITION OF REQUIRED LAND DECLARATION OF POLICY

SEC. 301. It is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress that owners and tenants whose property is acquired for public works projects of the United States of America shall be paid a ]ust ami reasonable consideration therefor. In order to facilitate the acquisition of land and interests therein by negotiation with property owners, to avoid litigation and to relieve congestion in the courts, the Secretary of the Army (or such other officers of the Department of the Army as he may designate) is authorized in any 'negotiation for the purchase of such property to pay a purchase price which will take into consideration the policy set forth in this section. DISSEMINATION OP INFORMATION

SEC. 302. Within six months after the date that Congress authorizes construction of a water resource development project under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Army, the Corps of Engineers shall make reasonable effort to advise owners and occupants in and adjacent to the project area as to the probable timing for the acquisition of lands for the project and for incidental rights-of-way, relocations, and any other requiremente affecting owners and occupants. Within a reasonable time after initial appropriations are made for land acquisition or construction, including relocations, the Corps of Engineers shall conduct public meetings at locations convenient to owners and tenants to be displaced by the project in order to advise them of the