Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/640

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[74 Stat. 600]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 600]


PUBLIC LAW 86-682-.SEPT. 2, 1960

[74 S T A T.

(H) the (][uality and character of the service rendered m terms of priority, secrecy, security, speed of transnussion, use of facilities and manpower, and other pertinent service factors. (2) The acceptance, transportation, and delivery of first class mail constitutes a preferred service of the postal establishment and, therefore, the postage for first class mail should be sufficient to cover (A) the entire amount of the expenses allocated to first class mail in accordance with sections 2301-2305 of this title and (B) an additional amount representing the fair value of all extraordinary and preferential services, facilities, and factors relating thereto. (3) Those services, elements of service, and facilities rendered and provided by the postal establishment in accordance with law, including services having public service aspects, which, in whole or in part, are held and considered by the Congress from time to time to be public services for the purposes of sections 2301-2305 of this title shall be administered on the following basis: (A) the sum of such public service items as determined by the Congress should be assumed directly by the Federal Government and paid directly out of the general fund of the Treasury and should not constitute direct charges in the form of rates and fees upon any user or class of users of such public services, or of the mails generally; and (B) nothing contained in any provision of section 23012305 of this title should be construed as indicating any intention on the part of the Congress (i) that such public services, or any of them, should be limited or restricted or (ii) to derogate in any way from the need and desirability thereof in the public interest. (4) Postal rates and fees shall be adjusted from time to time as may be required to produce the amount of revenue approximately equal to the total cost of operating the postal establishment less the amount deemed to be attributable to the performance of public services under section 2303(b) of this title. § 2303. Identification of and appropriations for public services (a) The following shall be considered to be public services for the purposes of sections 2301-2305 of this title— (1) the total loss resulting from the transmission of matter in the mails free of postage or at reduced rates of postage as provided by statute, including the following: (A) reduced rates for certain publications as provided by sections 4359 and 4360 of this title; (B) penalty mailings of the P a n American Union and the Pan American Sanitary Bureau as provided by section 4152 (a) of this title; (C) free-in-county mailing of publications as provided by section 4358 of this title; (D) free postage and reduced postage rates on reading matter and other articles for the blind as provided by sections 4653 and 4654 of this title; (E) free mailing privileges for members of the diplomatic corps of the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain as provided by section 4167 of this title; (F) free mailing privileges granted to individuals by the Act of May 7, 1945 (59 Stat. 707) and other provisions of law; (G) reduced third-class postage rates to certain organizations as provided by section 4452 of this title;