Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/890

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[74 Stat. 850]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 850]

PUBLIC LAW 86-724-SEPT. 8, 1960

[74 S T A T.

(c) The rates charged for the health benefits plan described in subsection (a) of this section shall reasonably and equitably reflect the cost of the benefits provided. Rates determined for the first term shall be adjusted for suDsequent terms on the basis of experience. The Commission shall prescribe the extent to which reserves due to favorable experience may be retained by the carrier. Such reserves shall in any case be retained for the benefit of retired employees enrolled thereunder, and members of their families. CONTRIBUTIONS

SEC. 4. (a) If a retired employee enrolls in the health benefits plan provided for by section 3 of this Act, the Government shall contribute toward his subscription charge such amounts as the Commission by regulation may from time to time prescribe. The amount so prescribed, if the employee is enrolled for self only, shall not be less than $3.00 monthly or more than $4.00 monthly. The amount to be prescribed for a retired employee enrolled for self and family shall be twice the contribution for one enrolled for self only. A retired employee may not receive a Government contribution for more than one plan, nor may a retired employee receive a Government contribution if he is covered under the enrollment of another employee or retired employee who is receiving a Government contribution toward his enrollment. (b) In addition, the Government shall contribute an amount, as prescribed by the Commission, up to 2 per centum of each contribution authorized by subsection (a) of this section to the Retired Employees Health Benefits Fund, for payment of expenses incurred by the Commission in administering this Act. WITHHOLDING

SEC. 5. There shall be withheld from the annuity or compensation of each retired employee enrolled in the health benefits plan provided for under section 3 of this Act so much as is necessary, after deducting the contribution of the Government, to pay the total charge for his enrollment. OTHER HEALTH BENEFITS PLANS

SEC. 6. (a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, a retired employee who elects to obtain a health benefits plan, or to retain an existing health benefits plan, other than the plan provided for under section 3 of this Act, directly with a carrier, shall be paid a Government contribution to the cost of his health benefits plan which shall be equal in amount to the appropriate Government contribution established by the Commission pursuant to section 4(a) of this Act, but may not exceed the cost to him of the health benefits plan in which he is enrolled or which he retains or, if the plan combines health benefits with other benefits, shall not exceed the cost to him of the premium fixed by the carrier for the health benefits portion of the plan in which he is enrolled or which he retains. A retired employee may not receive a Government contribution for more than one plan, nor may a retired employee receive a Government contribution if he is covered under the enrollment of another employee or retired employee who is receiving a Government contribution toward his enrollment. (b) A retired employee who enrolls in a plan shall be entitled to the Government contribution provided by this section only if the carrier of the plan (1) has been providing health benefits for at least one year and (2), if an insurance company, is licensed to issue indi-