Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/914

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[74 Stat. 874]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 874]


PUBLIC LAW 8 6 - 7 3 7 - S E P T. 8, 1960

39 Stat. 54. Voluntary s ices.


F e e s charges.


Revolving fund.

D i s p o s a l of property, etc.

Liability ance.




by reason of his status as such be deemed to be an "oflScer of the Government" within the meaning of the Act of April 27, 1916 (5 U.S.C. 101). SEC. 4. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Commissioners may accept the voluntary services of persons appointed as members oi the said Commission or in connection with carrying out any activity authorized by this Act. SEC. 5. (a) I n connection with the various activities scheduled to take place during the observance of the centennial of the Civil War, the District Commissioners are authorized and directed to make all reasonable regulations necessary to secure the preservation of public order and protection of life, health, and property; to make special regulations respecting the standing, movement, and operation of vehicles of whatever character or kind during said period; and to grant, under such conditions as they may impose, special licenses to peddlers and vendors for the privilege of selling goods, wares, and merchandise in such places in the District of Columbia, and to fix such fees foi;' such privilege, as they may deem proper: Provided, That the granting of licenses to sell in places under the jurisdiction of the head of a department of the United States shall require his approval. (b) The Commission is authorized to establish such fees and charges as it deems appropriate in connection with any activity officially connected with the observance of the centennial anniversary of the Civil War, and the District of Columbia Civil W a r Centennial Commission shall be resf)onsible for the collection of such fees and charges, with the exception of those fees and charges provided in subsection (a) of this section. (c)(1) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the use of the District of Columbia Civil W a r Centennial Commission such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act, and such sums shall be deposited in the Civil W a r Centennial Fund, District of Columbia, authorized by paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of this section. (c)(2) All moneys collected pursuant to fees and charges made under authority of subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be paid to the District Commissioners and deposited in a revolving fund m the Treasury which is hereby authorized to be established, to be known as the Civil W a r Centennial Fund, District of Columbia. Such fund shall be used to carry out the purposes of this Act, and may be expended without regard to the laws and procedures applicable to District of Columbia or Federal agencies for the procurement of supplies, services, and property. Contracts may be entered into for the purposes of this Act without regard to applicable District of Columbia or Federal laws or regulations. (d) The District Commissioners may use any property acquired by the District of Columbia Civil W a r Centennial Commission remaining upon its termination, or they may dispose of the said property as surplus property. The net revenues, after payment of Commission expenses, derived from Commission activities shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the District of Columbia. (e) The Commission is authorized to carry public liability insurance protecting the Commission, members, officials, and employees thereof; the United States and the District of Columbia and their officers and employees performing services under this Act, and persons performing voluntair services under provisions of this Act. SEC. 6. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary, payable in like manner as other appropriations for the expenses of the District of Columbia, to enable the District Commissioners to provide additional municipal services in said Dis-