Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/99

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[74 Stat. 59]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 59]



PUBLIC LAW 86-429-APR. 22, 1960


" (A) Such pharmaceutical preparation shall be manufactured, sold, distributed, given away, dispensed, or possessed as a medicine and not for the purpose of evading the intentions and provisions of this subpart and subpart C; " (B) Any manufacturer, producer, compounder, or vendor (including dispensing physicians) of such phaiTaaceutical preparation, lawfully entitled to manufacture, produce, compound, or vend such pharmaceutical preparation, shall keep such records relating to such pharmaceutical preparation as the Secretary or his delegate shall deem necessary; " (C) Every person so possessing or disposing oi such pharmaceutical preparation shall register as required in section 4722 and, if he is not paying a tax under section 4721, shall 47^2^ " ^ ^ '*'^^' pay a special tax of $1 for each year, or fractional part ' thereof, in which he is engaged in such occupation, to the official in charge of the collection district in which he carries on such occupation as provided in subpart C. "(3) If the Secretary or his delegate shall subsequently determine, after due notice and opportunity for hearing, that a pharmaceutical preparation to which such exceptions have been made applicable possesses a degree of addiction liability, or permits recovery of a narcotic drug having a degree of addiction liability, that results in abusive use of such exceptions, he is authorized to withdraw and revoke such exceptions in whole or in part. "(4) Whenever the Secretary or his delegate shall, on his own motion, determine that there may exist reasonable evidence to support a finding in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection, or whenever an interested party makes an application for such a finding, the Secretary or his delegate shall thereupon appoint an advisory committee of experts. At least one member of such an advisory committee shall be selected by the Secretary or his delegate, one by the interested party making the application, if any, one by the Surgeon General of the (United States) Public Health Service, and one by the (Commissioner of the (United States) Food and Drug Administration. The Secretary or his delegate shall submit to such advisory committee the application of the interested party, if any, and any other available data. As soon as practicable thereafter, the advisory committee shall, after independent study of the material submitted to it by the Secretary or his delegate and other data available to it, certify a report and recommendations to the Secretary or his delegate with respect to the pharmaceutical preparation involved. "(5) After consideration of the report and recommendation of the advisory committee, and after due notice and opportunity for hearing, the Secretary or his delegate shall either make the finding provided for in paragraph (1) of this subsection and grant such exceptions as he deems appropriate, or determine that the evidence does not support such a finding and deny the application, if any." (d) The amendment to subsection (g) of section 4731 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, made by subsection (b) of this section, shall Hot affect any proceeding commenced before such amendment, but such proceeding shall be continued to final disposition as if the amendment had not been made. NOTIFICATION S, F I N D I N G S, AND DECISIONS UNDER THE 1948 PROTOCOL

SEC. 5. (a) Before a notification may be sent on behalf of the United States to the Secretary General of the United Nations, under article 1 of the 1948 protocol, that a drug is considered liable to the

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