Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/1040

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[75 Stat. 1000]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 1000]


PROCLAMATION 3383—DEC. 16, 1960

DETERMINATION OF CUBAN SUGAR QUOTA TO SUPPLEMENT PROCLAMATION NO. 3355 December^^e 1960 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation


WHEREAS section 408(b)(1) of the Sugar Act of 1948, as amended by the act of July 6, 1960 (Public Law 86-592; 74 Stat. 330), provides that the Presi-

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dent shall determine, notwithstanding any other provision of title II of the Sugar Act of 1948, as amended, the quota for Cuba for the balance of the calendar year 1960 and for the threemonth period ending March 31, 1961, in such amount or amounts as he shall find from time to time to be i n the national interest, and further provides that in no event shall such quota exceed such amount as would be provided for Cuba under the terms of title II of the Sugar Act of 1948, as amended, in the absence of section 408(b); and WHEREAS section 408(b)(1) of the Sugar Act of 1948, as amended, further provides that determinations made by the President thereunder shall become effective immediately upon publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER; and

74 Stat. c72.

WHEREAS section 408(b)(2) and section 408(b)(3) of the Sugar Act of 1948, as amended, authorize the President, subject to certain requirements, to cause or permit to be brought or i m ported into or marketed i n the United States a quantity of sugar not in excess of the amount by which the quotas which would be established for Cuba under the terms of title II of such act exceed the quotas established for Cuba by the President pursuant to section 408(b) of the act; and WHEREAS, by Proclamation No. 3355 of July 6, 1960, the President determined the quota for Cuba for the balance of the calendar year 1960; and

[75 STAT.