Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/1128

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[75 Stat. 1088]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 1088]


PROCLAMATION 3423—JULY 26, 1961 NW corner of sec. 7, the n c e easterly over the to p of Brown M o u n t a i n c o n t i n u i n g easterly and southerly along the s u m m i t of the Cascade M o u n t a i n Divide and ending a t the SW corner of sec. 32. T. 38S., R. 5 E., secs. 1 to 5, inclusive; secs. 8 to 12, inclusive; sec. 35, Ey2NEi4, NE14SE1A. T. 28 S., R. 6 E., unsurveyed. That portion of the to w n s h i p lying east of the s u m m i t of the Cascade M o u n t a i n Divide. T. 29 S., R. 6 E., unsurveyed, That portion of the to w n s h i p lying east of the s u m m i t of the Cascade M o u n t a i n Divide and not w i t h i n the Crater Lake National Park. T. 32 S., R. 6 E., unsurveyed. That p o r t i o n of the to w n s h i p not w i t h i n the Crater Lake National Park. T. 33 S., R. 6 E., partly surveyed. sees, 1 to 11, inclusive; see. 12, Wi/a; see. 13, W1/2; secs. 14 to 23, inclusive; secs. 26 to 34, inclusive; sec. 35, W1/2.

T. 34S.. R. 6E., secs. 2 to 5, inclusive; sec. 6, that portion lying east of the s u m m i t of the Cascade M o u n t a i n; secs. 7 to 11, inclusive; sec. 13,SV2; secs. 14 to 24, inclusive; sec. 26, WV2; secs. 27 to 34, inclusive; see, 35, Wy2T. 35 S„ R. 6 E., see, 2, W1/2; secs. 3 to 11, inclusive; secs. 14 to 23, i n elusive; secs. 26 to 34, inclusive; see. 35, WV2. T. 36 S., R. 6 E., sec.3, WI/2; secs. 4 to 10, inclusive; sec. l l, N W i 4; secs. 15 to 36, inclusive. T. 37 S., R. 6 E. T. 38 S., R. 6 E., secs. 1 to 18, inclusive; see. 23,Ei/2Ei/2; sec. 25,Ni/2,SEi4; sec. 31. T. 28 S., R. 7^2 E„ unsurveyed. That portion of the township lying s o u t h of a line beginning a t the s u m m i t of Mt. Thielsen and r u n n i n g southeasterly along Cottonwood Creek to the approxim a t e north line of sec. 36.

[75 STAT.