Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/130

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[75 Stat. 90]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 90]


PUBLIC LAW 87-45-MAY 27, 1961

[75 S T A T.

nish adequate service on the service, route, or line with respect to which the application was filed, the Board may approve the application for payment of operating-differential subsidy for operation of the vessels (1) on such service, route, or line for such part of each year, and (2) on cruises for all or part of the remainder of each year if such specific cruise is approved by the Board under subsection (e) of this section. Conditions for u/^x Qpuig^g autlioHzed by this section must begin and end at a operation on







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domcstic port or ports on the same seacoast of the United btates from which the operator operates or conducts the regular service to which the vessels are assigned. When a vessel is being operated on cruises^— "(1) it shall carry no mail unless required by law, or cargo except passengers' luggage, except between those ports between which it may carry mail and cargo on its regular service assigned by contract; "(2) it shall carry passengers on a round-trip basis, except between those ports between which it may carry one-way passengers on its regular service assigned by contract; "(3) it shall embark passengers only at domestic ports on the same seacoast of the United States as that to which the vessel is assigned on its regular service; and "(4) it shall stop at other domestic ports only for the same time and the same purposes as is permitted with respect to a foreign-flag vessel which is carrying passengers who embarked at a domestic port. 46 USC 1175. Section 605(c) of this Act shall not apply to cruises authorized under this section. Subsidy con" (d) The Board may from time to time review Operating differeutracts. Review. tial subsidy contracts entered into under this title for the operation of passenger vessels, and upon a finding that operation of such vessels upon a service, route, or line is required in order to furnish adequate service on such service, route, or line, but is not required for the entire year, may amend such contracts to agree to pay operating differential subsidy for operation of such vessels on cruises, as authorized by this section, for part or all of the remainder, but not exceeding one-third, of each year, if each specific cruise is approved by the Board under-subsection (e) of this section. Cruise appiica" (g^ Upou the application of any operator for approval of a specific cruise, the Board, after notice to all other American flag operators who may be affected and after affording all such operators an opportunity to submit written data, views or arguments, with or without opportunity to present the same orally in any manner, and after consideration of all relevant matter presented, shall, if it determines that the proposed cruise will not substantially adversely affect an existing operator'service performed with passenger vessels of United States registry, approve the proposed cruise. Such approval shall not be given more than two years in advance of the beginning of the cruise. S e a c o a s t s of "(f) As used in this section the following three are the seacoasts of U. S. the United States: (1) the Atlantic coast, including the Great Lakes but excluding the Gulf of Mexico; (2) the Gulf of Mexico; and (8) the Pacific coast, including Alaska and Hawaii." SEC. 2. Section 601(a) of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as 49 Stat. 2001. amended (46 U.S.C. 1171), is amended as follows: (a) The first sentence thereof is amended by inserting immediately before the period at the end thereof the words "or in such service and in cruises authorized under section 613 of this title".