Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/245

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[75 Stat. 205]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 205]



PUBLIC LAW 87-88-JULY 20, 1961


"(4) Costs of water quality control features incorporated in any Federal reservoir or other impoundment under the provisions of this Act shall be determined and the beneficiaries identified and if the benefits are widespread or national in scope, the costs of such features shall be nonreimbursable." SEC. 3. (a) The proviso in paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of ^,^^%^°"'^'"" section 4 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act is amended to read as follows: ^Provided, That the Secretary shall report annually to the appropriate committees of Congress on his operations under this paragraph;'. (b) Section 4 of such Act is further amended by inserting at the R««earch, etc. end thereof the following new subsections: " (d)(1) I n carrying out the provisions of this section the Secretary shall develop and demonstrate under varied conditions (including conducting such basic and applied research, studies, and experiments as may be necessary): " (A) Practicable means of treating municipal sewage and other waterborne wastes to remove the maximum possible amounts of physical, chemical, and biological pollutants in order to restore and maintain the maximum amount of the Nation's water at a quality suitable for repeated reuse; " (B) Improved methods and procedures to identify and measure the effects of pollutants on water uses, including those pollutants created by new technological developments; and " (C) Methods and procedures for evaluating the effects ov> water quality and water uses of augmented streamflows to control water pollution not susceptible to other means of abatement. "(2) For the purposes of this subsection there is authorized to be appropriated not more than $5,000,000 for any fiscal year, and the total Appropriation, sum appropriated for such purposes shall not exceed $25,000,000. "(e) The Secretary shall establish, equip, and maintain field laboratory and research facilities, including, but not limited to, one to be located in the northeastern area of the United States, one in the Middle Atlantic area, one in the southeastern area, one in the midwestern area, one in the southwestern area, one in tho, Pacific Northwest, and one in the State of Alaska, for the conduct of research, investigations, experiments, field demonstrations and studies, and training relating to the prevention and control of water pollution. Insofar as practicable, each such facility shall be located near institutions of higher learning in which graduate training in such research might be carried out. (f) The Secretary shall conduct research and technical development work, and make studies, with respect to the quality of the waters of the Great Lakes, including an analysis of the present and projected future water quality of the Great Lakes under varying conditions of waste treatment and disposal, an evaluation of the water quality needs of those to be served by such waters, an evaluation of municipal, industrial, and vessel waste treatment and disposal practices with respect to such waters, and a study of alternate means of solving water pollution problems (including additional waste treatment measures) with respect to such waters." SEC. 4. (a) Subsection (a) of section 5 of the Federal Water Pollu- Grants to states, tion Control Act is amended by inserting immediately following *** "June 30, 1961, $3,000,000" the following: 'S and for each succeeding fiscal year to and including the fiscal year endincr June 30, 1968, $5,000,000". J fe » ,