PUBLIC LAW 87-130-AUG. 10, 1961
[76 S T A T.
four round trips originating and terminating in Washington, District of Columbia, made by employees in each Senator's office in any fiscal year, such payment to be made only upon vouchers approved by the Senator containing a certification Dy such Senator that such travel was performed in line of official duty, but the mileage allowed for any such trip shall not exceed the round trip mileage b j the nearest usual route between Washington, District of Columbia, and the residence city of the Senator involved. HOUSE OF EEPRESENTATIVES SALARIES, MILEAGE FOR THE- MEMBERS, AND EXPENSE ALLOWANCE OF THE S P E A K E R COMPENSATION
For compensation of Members (wherever used herein the term "Member" shall include Members of the House of Representatives and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico), $10,672,000. MILEAGE OF MEMBERS A N D EXPENSE ALLOWANCE OF THE SPEAKER
For mileage of Members and expense allowance of the Speaker, as authorized by law, $200,000. SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES
For compensation of officers and employees, as authorized by law, as follows: OFFICE O F THE SPEAKER
For the Office of the Speaker, $62,900. OFFICE OF THE PARLIAMENTARIAN
For the Office of the Parliamentarian, including $2,000 for preparing the Digest of the Rules, $64,630. OFFICE OF THE C H A P L A I N
For the Office of the Chaplain, $8,810. OFFICE OF THE CLERK
For the Office of the Clerk, including $119,841 for the House Recording Studio, $1,146,025. COMMITTEEMPLOYEES
For committee employees, including the Committee on Appropriations, $2,900,000. OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT A T ARMS
For the Office of the Sergeant at Arms, including $8,000 for additional clerical assistants, $618,150. OFFICE OF THE DOORKEEPER
For the Office of the Doorkeeper, $1,058,310.