Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/389

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[75 Stat. 349]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 349]



PUBLIC LAW 87-141-AUG. 17, 1961


structed pursuant to the Public Buildings Purchase Contract Act of 1954 (40 U.S.C. 356) and the Post Office Department Property Act j ^ f ^t^t. s is. of 1954 (39 U.S.C. 901 et seq.), and Public Health Service facilities 39 USC 2103(except Indian health facilities), and buildings under the control of ^"*' another department or agency where alteration of such buildings is required in connection with the moving of such other department or agency from buildings then, or thereafter to be, under the control of General Services Administration shall be considered to be public buildings. CONSTRUCTION, PUBLIC BUILDINGS PROJECTS

For an additional amount for expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to construct public buildings projects and alter public buildings by extension or conversion where the estimated cost for a project is in excess of $200,000 pursuant to the Public Buildings Act of 1959 (73 Stat. 4T9), including equipment for such buildings, $188,946,500, and not to exceed $500,000 of this amount shall be available to the Administrator for construction of small public buildings outside the District of Columbia as the Administrator approves and deems necessary, all to remain available until expended: Provided, That the foregoing amount shall be available for public buildings projects at locations and at maximum construction improvement costs (excluding funds for sites and expenses) as follows: Post office and Federal office building, Decatur, Alabama, $1,315,750; Customhouse and Federal office building, Los Angeles, California, $27,388,500; Customs and appraisers warehouse, Los Angeles-Ix)ng Beach Harbor area, California, $2,000,000; Courthouse and Federal office building, Denver, Colorado, $18,145,000; Post office and Federal office building, Statesboro, Georgia, $538,650, which shall be known as the Prince H. Preston Building; Post office and Federal office building. Winder, Georgia, $475,000; Post office and Federal office building (construction and alteration), Wyandotte, Michigan, $402,800; Post office building, Tupelo, Mississippi, $789,000; Post office and Federal office building, Santa Fe, New Mexico, $2,362,650; Customhouse, courthouse, and Federal office building. New York, New York, $59,222,050; Post office and courthouse, Br^son City, North Carolina, $753,350; Post office building, Thomasville, North Carolina, $327,750; Border station, Pembina, North Dakota, $183,350; Federal office building, Cincinnati, Ohio, $17,432,500; Post office and Federal office building, Medford, Oregon, $1,728,050; Post office and Federal office building (construction and alteration), Johnstown, Pennsylvania, $1,187,500; Post office and Federal office building, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, $730,550; Federal office building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, $20,000,000; Post office building, Dyersburg, Tennessee, $901,000; Border station, Derby Line, Vermont, $267,900; Post office and courthouse, Montpelier, Vermont, $1,258,000. Government Printing Office field plant. District of Columbia, $1,545,650: Provided further, That the maximum construction imrovement costs heretofore approved for the following projects are ereby increased as follows:


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