PUBLIC LAW 87-195-SEPT. 4, 1961
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institutions and programs directed toward social progress, (2) the consistency of the activity with, and its relationship to, other development activities being undertaken or planned, and its contribution to realizable long-range development objectives, (3) the economic and technical soundness ot the activity to oe financed^ (4) the extent to which the recipient country is showing a responsiveness to the vital economic, political, and social concerns of its people, and demonstrating a clear determination to take effective self-help measures and a • willingness to pay a fair share of the cost of programs under this title, (5) the possible adverse effects upon the United States economy, with special reference to areas of substantial labor surplus, of the assistance^ involved, and (6) the desirability of safeguarding the international balance of payments position of the United States. If the President finds that assistance proposed to be furnished under this title would have a substantially adverse effect upon the United States economy, or a substantial segment thereof, the assistance shall not be furnished. (b) I n countries and areas which are in the earlier stages of economic development, programs of development of education and human resources through such means as technical cooperation shall be emphasized, and the furnishing of capital facilities for purposes other than the development of education and human resources shall be given a lower priority until the requisite knowledge and skills have been developed. SEC. 212. AUTHORIZATION.—There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the President for use beginning in the fiscal year 1962 to carry out the purposes of section 211 not to exceed $3805000,000, which shall remain available until expended. SEC. 213. ATOMS FOR PEACE.—The President is authorized to use,
in addition to other funds available for such purposes, not to exceed $2,000,000 of the funds available for the purposes of section 211 for assistance, on such terms and conditions as he may determine, designed to promote the peaceful uses of atomic energy outside the United States. SEC. 214. AMERICAN SCHOOLS AND HOSPITALS ABROAD.—(a)
President is authorized to use, in addition to other funds available for such purposes, funds made available for the purposes of section 211 for assistance, on such terms and conditions as he may specify, to schools and libraries outside the United States founded or sponsored by United States citizens and serving as study and demonstration centers for ideas and practices of the United States, (b) The President is authorized to use, notwithstanding the provili s e of foreign currencies. sions of the Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951 (22 U.S.C. 1611 et seq.), foreign currencies accruing to the United States Govern65 Stat. 644 ment under any Act, for purposes of subsection (a) of this section, and for assistance, on such terms and conditions as he may specify, to hospitals outside the United States founded or sponsored by United States citizens and serving as centers for medical treatment, education, and research. Improvement of impr a g r li c u l t u r a l [r c methods.
SEC. 215. LOANS TO SMALL FARMERS.—It is the policy of the United
States and the purpose of this section to strengthen the economies of less developed friendly countries, and in friendly countries where the economy is essentially rural or based on small villages, to provide assistance designed to improve agricultural methods and techniques, to