Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/50

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[75 Stat. 10]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 10]


PUBLIC LAW 87-6-MAR. 24, 1961

[75 S T A T.

extended unemployment compensation paid to such individual with respect to prior weeks in the compensation period, would exceed 39 times such indi'V'idual's weekly benefit amount for such compensation period. Definitions

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(c) For purposes of this section— (1) The term "first compensation period" means— (A) in the case of any individual whose first claim under this Act is for a week of unemployment before his first reimbursement week, the compensation period in which he last exhausted his rights to State unemployment compensation before making such first claim, or (B) in the case of any other individual, the compensation period in which his first reimbursement week occurs. (2) I n the case of any individual, the term "first reimbursement week" means the first week with respect to which any State is entitled to reimbursement under section 4 (or would be entitled to such reimbursement but for the fact that the compensation was P^i^ under title X V). (3) An individual's weekly benefit amount for any compensation period is the weekly benefit amount (including allowances for dependents) for total unemployment which was payable to him in such compensation period pursuant to the State law or title



SEC. 6. 'In the case of any individual, the covered period referred to in sections 3 and 4 is the period— (1) beginning on whichever of the following is the later: (A) the 15th day after the date on which this Act is enacted, or (B) the day after the date on which any applicable agreement is entered into under section 7 or 8, and (2) ending— (A) on March 31, 1962, or (B) on June 30, 1962, in the case of an individual who (for a week beginning before April 1, 1962) had a week with respect to which temporary extended unemployment compensation was payable under section 3, reimbursement was payable under section 4, or reimbursement would have been so payable but for the fact that the unemployment compensation was payable under title XV. AGREEMENTS W I T H


I n General SEC. 7. (a) The Secretary is authorized on behalf of the United States to enter into an agreement with a State, or with the agency administering the State law, which shall include the provisions described in paragraphs (1) and (2) or in either of them: (1) Such State agency will make, as agent of the United States, payments of temporary extended unemployment compensation to the individuals referred to in section 3 on the basis provided in this Act, and will otherwise cooperate with the Secretary and with other State agencies in making payments of temporary extended unemployment compensation under this Act.