Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/511

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[75 Stat. 471]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 471]

75 S T A T. ]


PUBLIC LAW 8 7 - 2 0 4 - S E P T. 6, 1961

of section 4 of the Act of March 5, 1938 (sec. 11-804(a), District of Columbia Code, 1951 edition), is amended by striking "$50" and inserting in lieu thereof "$150". Approved September 6, 1961.

52 Stat. 103.

Public Law 87-204 AN ACT To provide for the conveyance of certain real property of the United States situated in Hawaii to the State of Hawaii.

Be it enacted by the Seriate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy shall convey, without monetary consideration therefor, to the State of Hawaii, all right, title and interest of the United States in and to the real property described in section 2 of this Act. SEC. 2. The real property referred to in the first section of this Act comprises a total of 33.289 acres, more or less, and is more particularly described as set forth in the following descriptions numbered 1 and 2: DESCRIPTION NUMBERED 1

Military Road (commonly called Salt Lake Boulevard) being 100 feet wide right-of-way and comprised of parcels A through G, for a total area of 29,980 acres and described as follows: PARCEL A — L A N D S I T U A T E A T H A L A W A, E W A, O A H U, H A W A II

Being a portion of Royal Patent Numbered 6717, land commission awards numbered 7712 and 8516-B to M. Kekuanaoa and Kamaikui. Being a portion of the land acquired by the United States of America described as parcel B in the declaration of taking filed in Civil Action Numbered 535 in the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Beginning a t the northwest comer of this piece of land on the southerly side of Aiea Naval Hospital Access Road, the coordinates of which referred to Government survey triangulation station "Salt Lake", being 3,345.45 feet north and 8,160.33 feet west, and running by ai^muths measured clockwise from true south: along the southerly side of Aiea Naval Hospital Access Road on a curve to the right with a radius of 2,834.79 feet, the chord azimuth and distance being: 1. 245 degrees 47 minutes 14 seconds 161.88 feet, thence along remainder of land commission awards numbered 7712 and 8516-B to M. Kekuanaoa and Kamaikui on a curve to the left with a radius of 30 feet, the chord azimuth and distance being: 2. 22 degrees 53 minutes 42 seconds 42.08 feet; 3. 338 degrees 22 minutes 488.50 feet along remainder of land commission awards numbered 7712 and 8516-B to M. Kekuanaoa and Kamaikui; 4. 39 degrees 42 minutes 93.79 feet along same; along United States Naval Reservation (Civil Numbered 684); 5. 5 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds 46.56 feet along same; 6. 160 degrees 27 minutes 88.47 feet along remainder of land commission awards numbered 7712 and 8516-B to M. Kekuanaoa and Kamaikui; 7. 158 degrees 22 minutes 479.47 feet along same, thence along same on a curve to the left with a radius of 30 feet, the chord azimuth and distance being: 8. I l l degrees 15 minutes 32 seconds 43.96 feet to the point of beginning and containing an area of 55,093 square feet or 1.265 acres, as shown on 14ND real estate drawing numbered SK-880.

September 6, 1961 [H. R. 1794J

Hawaii. Conveyanc