Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/697

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[75 Stat. 657]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 657]




PUBLIC LAW 87-301-SEPT. 26, 1961

SEC. 23. (a) The table of contents ( TITLE I — G E N E K A L) of the Immigration and Nationality Act is hereby amended by adding the following: "Sec. 106. Judicial review of orders of deportation and exclusion." (b) Section 212 of the table of contents of the Immigration and Nationality Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 212. General classes of aliens ineligible to receive visas and excluded from admission; waivers of inadmissibility." (c) Section 329 of the table of contents of the Immigration and Nationality Act, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 329. Naturalization through active-duty service in Armed Forces during World War 1 or World War II or the Korean hostilities." SEC. 24. (a) The following Acts and all amendments thereto and parts of Acts and all amendments thereto are repealed: (1) Section 4 of the Act of September 3, 1954 (68 Stat. 1145; 8 U.S.C. 1182a); (2) Section 4 of the Act of September 11, 1957 (71 Stat. 639-640; 8 U.S.C. 1205); (3) Sections 5, 6, and 7 of the Act of September 11, 1957 (71 Stat. 640-641; 8 U.S.C. 1182b; 8 U.S.C. 1182c; 8 U.S.C. 1251a); (4) Section 15 of the Act of September 11, 1957 (71 Stat. 643-644; 50 U.S.C. App. 1971a, note); (5) Sections 9 and 12 of the Act of September 11, 1957 (7l Stat. 641-642; 8 U.S.C. 1255a; 8 U.S.C. 1154, note); (6) Section 2 of the Act of August 21, 1958 (72 Stat. 699; 8 U.S.C. 1255; 8 U.S.C. 1153, note); (7) Sections 4 and 6 of the Act of September 22, 1959 (73 Stat. 644645; 8 U.S.C. 1153,note). (b) Paragraphs (4), (5), (6), and (7) of subsection (a) of this section shall take effect upon the expiration of the one hundred and eightieth day immediately following the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 25. (a) Any alien eligible for a quota immigrant status under the provisions of section 203(a)(2) or (3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act on the basis of a petition filed with the Attorney General prior to July 1, 1961, shall be held to be a nonquota immigrant and, if otherwise admissible under the provisions of that Act, shall be issued a nonquota immigrant visa: Provided, That, upon his application for an immigrant visa, and for admission to the United States, the alien is found to have retained his relationship to the petitioner, and status, as established in the approved petition. (b) At any time prior to the expiration of the one hundred and eightieth day immediately following the enactment of this Act a special nonquota immigrant visa may be issued to an eligible orphan as defined in section 4 of the Act of September 11, 1957, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1205; 71 Stat. 639, 73 Stat. 490, 74 Stat. 505), if a visa petition filed in behalf of such eligible orphan was (A) approved by the Attorney General prior to September 30, 1961, or (B) pending before the Attorney General prior to September 30, 1961, and the Attorney General approves such petition. Approved September 26, 1961.

66 Stat. 163.

66 Stat. 163.

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Effective date.

Nonquota immigrant v i s a s. 66 Stat. 178; 73 Stat. 644. 8 USC 1153.

Eligible orphan.