Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/1246

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[76 Stat. 1198]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 1198]


Chicot County, Ark. Bridge r e p l a c e ment authorized. 58 Stat. 894i

W. Kerr Scott Dam and ReserDesignation. 60 Stat. 645.

Short title.

PUBLIC LAW 87-875-OCT. 24, 1962

[76 STAT.

Waimea River, Kokee Area, Kauai, Hawaii, for multiple purposes. Waipio River, Kohala-Hamakua coast, Island of Hawaii, for multiple purpose development. l a o River, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii. SEC. 210. The Secretary of the Army acting through the Corps of Engineers is hereby authorized to replace with adequate floodway capacity the bridge over Boeuf River, Chicot County, Arkansas, approximately three miles north of the county line, and the bridge over Big Bayou, Chicot County, Arkansas, approximately two miles upstream from its confluence with the Boeuf River which were altered as part of the project for Boeuf and Tensas Rivers and Bayou Macon, authorized by the Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944, and which were recently destroyed by floods, at an estimated cost of $115,000. SEC. 211. The Wilkesboro Reservoir flood control project, Yadkin River, North Carolina, authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1946, shall hereafter be known and designated as the W. Kerr Scott Dam and Reservoir, in honor of the late Senator W. Kerr Scott of North Carolina. Any law, regulation, document, or record of the United States in which such project is designated or referred to shall be held and considered to refer to such project by the name of the W. Kerr Scott Dam and Reservoir. SEC. 212. Title II of this Act may be cited as the "Flood Control Act of 1962". Approved October 23, 1962.

Public Law 87-875 October 24, 1962 [H. R. 8517]

Veterans. Officer's retirement b e n e f i t s. 72 Stat. 1263. 38 USC p r e c. pt. 1 note s.

48 Stat. 10. 54 Stat. 760.

72 Stat. 1216. 38 USC 19011905.

AN ACT To grant emergency officer s retirement benefits to certain persons who did not qualify therefor because their applications were not submitted before May 25, 1929.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 11 of Public Law 85-857 is amended (1) by inserting " (a) " immediately after "SEC. 11,"; and (2) by adding at the end thereof the following: "(b) Any individual who, upon application therefor before May 25, 1929, would have been granted emergency officer's retirement pay based upon 30 per centum or more disability under the Act of May 24, 1928 (45 Stat. 735), and who would have been entitled to continue to receive such pay under section 10 of Public Numbered 2, Seventy-third Congress, or under section 1 of Public Numbered 743, Seventy-sixth Congress, and who upon being placed on the emergency officer's retired list would have been paid retired pay at a monthly rate lower than the monthly rate of disability compensation then payable, shall, upon application made therefor after the date of enactment of this subparagraph to the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, be placed upon the appropriate emergency officer's retired list, and thereafter shall be entitled to all rights, privileges, and benefits of retired emergency officers of World W a r I." The limitations of time contained in section 1905 of title 38, United States Code, are hereby waived in favor of Walter J. Johnson (Veterans' Administration claim numbered C-6048500), and his application for benefits under chapter 39 of title 38, United States Code, shall be acted upon under the remaining provisions of such chapter if he applies for such benefits within the six-month period which begins on the date of enactment of this Act. „.,,,,. j,., v,. Approved October 24, 1962.