Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/1302

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[76 Stat. 1254]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 1254]



[76 STAT.

(b) In carrying out the functions transferred by the provisions of section 3(a) of this reorganization plan, the Director shall assist the President as he may request with respect to the coordination of Federal scientific and technological functions and agencies. (c) The Director may from time to time make such provisions as he deems appropriate authorizing the performance of any of his functions by any other officer, or by any employee or agency, of the Office. SEC. 4. Personnel. The Director may appoint employees necessary for the work of the Office under the classified civil service and fix their compensation in accordance with the classification laws. PART II—NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION


64 Stat. 151; 73 Stat. 467.

SEC. 21. Executive Committee, (a) There is hereby established the Executive Committee of the National Science Board, hereafter in this Part referred to as the Executive Committee, which shall be composed of five voting members. Four of the members shall be elected as hereinafter provided. The Director provided for in section 22 of this reorganization plan, ex officio, shall be the fifth member and the chairman of the Executive Committee. (b) At its auuual meeting held in 1964 and at each of its succeeding annual meetings the National Science Board, hereafter in this Part referred to as the Board, shall elect two of its members as members of the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee members so elected shall hold office for two years from the date of their election. Any person who has been a member of the Executive Committee (established by this reorganization plan) for six consecutive years shall thereafter be ineligible for service as a member thereof during the two-year period following the expiration of such sixth year. For the purposes of this subsection, the period between any two consecutive annual meetings of the Board shall be deemed to be one year. (c) A t its first meeting held after the effective date of this section the Board shall elect four of its members as members of the Executive Committee. As designated by the Board, two of the Executive Committee members so elected shall hold office as such members until the date of the annual meeting of the Board held in 1964 and the other two members so elected shall hold such office until the annual meeting of the Board held in 1965. (d) Any person elected as a member of the Executive Committee to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was elected shall be elected for the remainder of such term. (e) The functions conferred upon the Executive Committee now existing under the provisions of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, by the provisions of section 6 of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1865) or otherwise, are hereby transferred ^Q ^^ Executive Committee established by the provisions of this Part; and the authority of the National Science Board to assign its powers and functions to the now-existing Executive Committee, and statutory limitations upon such assignment, shall hereafter be applicable to the Executive Committee established by the provisions of this Part.