Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/146

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[76 Stat. 98]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 98]



PUBLIC LAW 87-483-JUNE 13, 1962

[76 STAT.

Rio Grande Basin and approximately eighty-one thousand six hundred acres of land in the existing Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District and for municipal, domestic, and industrial uses, and providing recreation and fish and wildlife benefits. The diversion facilities of the initial stage authorized herein shall be so constructed and operated as to divert only natural flow of the Navajo, Little Navajo, and Blanco Rivers in Colorado as set forth in the supplemental project report dated May 1957. The principal engineering works of the initial stage development, involving three major elements, shall include diversion dams and conduits, storage and regulation facilities at the Heron Numbered 4 Reservoir site, enlarged outlet works of the existing E l Vado Dam, and water use facilities consisting of reservoirs, dams, canals, lateral and drainage systems, and associated works and appurtenances. The construction of recreation facilities at the Namb^j Reservoir shall be contingent upon the Secretary's making appropriate arrangements with the governing body of the Nambe Pueblo for the operation and maintenance of such facilities, and the construction of recreation facilities at the Heron Numbered 4, Valdez, and Indian Camp Reservoirs shall be contingent upon his making appropriate arrangements with a State or local agency or organization for the operation and maintenance of those facilities: Provided, That— (a) the Secretary shall so operate the initial stage of the project authorized herein that diversions to the Rio Grande Valley shall not exceed one million three hundred and fifty thousand acre-feet of water in any period of ten consecutive years, reckoned in continuing progressive series starting with the first day of October after the project shall have commenced operation: Provided, however, That not more than two hundred and seventy thousand acrefeet shall be diverted in any one year; (b) the Secretary shall operate the project so that there shall be no injury, impairment, or depletion of existing or future beneficial uses of water within the State of Colorado, the use of which is within the apportionment made to the State of Colorado by article III of the Upper Colorado River Basin compact, as provided by article IX of the Upper Colorado River Basin compact and article IX of the Rio Grande compact; (c) all works of the project shall be constructed so as to permit compliance physically with all provisions of the Rio Grande compact, and all such works shall be operated at all times in conformity with said compact; (d) the amount of water diverted in the Rio Grande Basin for uses served by the San Juan-Chama project shall be limited in any calendar year to the amount of imported water available to such uses from importation to and storage in the Rio Grande Basin in that year; (e) details of project operation essential to accounting for diverted San J u a n and Rio Grande flows shall be developed through the joint efforts of the Rio Grande Compact Commission, the Upper Colorado River Commission, the appropriate agencies of the United States and of the States of Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, and the various project entities. In this connection the States of Texas and New Mexico shall agree, within a reasonable time, on a system of gaging devices and measurements to secure data necessary to determine the present effects of tributary irrigation, as well as present river channel losses: Provided, That if the State of Texas shall require, as a condition precedent to such agreement, gaging devices and measurements in addition to or different from those considered by the Department of the Interior and the State of New Mexico to be necessary to this