Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/1523

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[76 Stat. 1475]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 1475]



PROCLAMATION 3468-APR. 30, 1962

of the second recital of this Proclamation and m the general provisions of, and schedules of United States concessions to, the agreements specified in the twelfth recital of this Proclamation, effective as to articles entered for consumption or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption as follows: (a) Each rate of duty or import tax specified in column A at the right of the respective description of products in a schedule of the United States to an agreement specified in this paragraph or, in any case in which there are two such rates in column A, the first such rate: (i) I n the case of a rate specified in the schedule to an agreement specified in clause (h) of the second recital of this Proclamation or in clause (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), or (q) of the twelfth recital hereof, on and after the date specified in clause (b) of the sixteenth recital hereof, and (ii) I n the case of a rate specified in any other agreement specified in the twelfth recital hereof, on and after the date referred to in the fi.fteenth recital hereof with respect to such agreement, which date shall be notified by the President to the Secretary of the Treasury and published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, and (b) Each rate of duty or import tax specified in column B at the right of the respective description of products in a schedule of the United States to an agreement specified in this paragraph and, in any case in which there are two rates specified in column A at the right of the description, the second such rate: on and after the appropriate date determined in accordance with the provisions of the General Notes at the end of that schedule. 2. The application of the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Part shall be subject to: (a) The applicable terms, conditions, and qualifications set forth in the agreements specified in clause (h) of the second recital of this Proclamation and in the twelfth recital hereof, including the rights of suspension or withdrawal of concessions referred to in the fifteenth recital hereof, in Parts I, II, and III of the General Agreement, in Annexes D, H, and I thereof and Schedules X X thereto, and in the agreement specified in clause (a) of the second recital hereof, including such supplementations of the foregoing as may be in effect with respect to the United States. (b) The exception that no rate of duty or import tax shall be applied to a particular article by virtue of this proclamation if, when the article is entered for consumption or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, more favorable customs treatment is prescribed for the article by (i) a proclamation pursuant to section 350 of the Tariff. Act of 1930, as amended, or (ii) any other proclamation, a statute, or an executive order, which proclamation, statute, or order either provides for an exemption from duty or import tax or became effective subsequent to March 7, 1962. 3. On and after the applicable dates provided for in the seventeenth recital of this Proclamation the lists set forth in the sixteenth recitals of the proclamations specified in clauses (d) and (e) of the third recital hereof shall be modified as provided for in the seventeenth recital hereof. PART


On and after the day specified in clause (b) of the sixteenth recital of this Proclamation the proclamations specified in the eight-


Publication in

19 USC 1351.