Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/1626

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[76 Stat. 1578]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 1578]


LAWS AFFECTED I N VOLUME TABLE 5.—Positive Law Titles of United States

76 Stat.

404, 405 409-411 414 415(a)-(c) 416(a) 501-504 1002 101(3) 101(26) 103(d), (e) 110 216(c) 230(c) 233(5) 235 312(4) 314(a)-(p) 314(r)

473 490 490 477, 478 478 483 490 558 927 558 950 307 927 308 927 442 441, 442 441, 442

314(s) 351 359 --. 360 610(a)(1) 612(a) 612(b) 618 619 624(b) 641(b) 718(a) 718 (a), (b)...,

441, 442 950 950 406 381 381 381 308 1126 927 935 245 245

Public law



87-649 87-649 87-649 87-649 87-649 87-649 87-649 87-674 87-815 3 87-674 2 87-825 6,7 87-572 87-815 5 87-574 1(1)(C) 87-815 6 87-645 3,4 87-645 l (a)(l) - ( 1 4), 4 87-645 1(a)(15), 2(a), 4 87-645 l(a)(16), 4 87-825 3,7 87-825 6,7 87-610 1 87-583 1 87-583 2 87-583 2 87-574 2 87-850 87-815 87-819 87-557 87-557

722(b) 742(a)-(c)

245 219

87-557 87-549

1502(a) 1502(a) 1502(c)(3), (4) 1502(d) 1502A 1612(a) 1613 (a), (b)__

393 927 928 928 393 926 926

87-591 87-815 87-815 87-815 87-591 87-815 87-815

1 7(a) 7 (b), (c) 7(d) 1 1 1

1712 1712(a) 1712(a)(3) - (5).

927 935 926, 927

87-815 87-819 87-815

2(b) 2 2 (a)

1712(c) 1723(c) 1905 2001-2014

935 216 1198 558, 559

87-819 87-546 87-875 87-675

1 (a)-(e)

3004 3010 3010(f) 3011 3012 (b), (c). -

950 948, 950 558 950 949, 950

87-825 87-825 87-674 87-825 87-825

5,7 1,7 3 5,7 2,7

950 208 245

87-825 87-544 87-556

4,7 1,2 1(1), 2

3110 3203(a)(2)(A) _. 3203(d)(1)


Amendatory provisions

Provisions affected Section


Supplemental provision. Applicability. Do. Supplemental provisions. Supplemental provision. Nonapplicability. Do. Amendment. Do. Addition. Amendment; effective date. Revision. Addition. Do. Amendment. Amendment; effective date. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Addition. Revision. Do. Exception. Addition. Addition; effective date. Amendment. Do. Nonapplicability. Existing text designated as (a) and amended; new subsec. (b) added. Exception. Existing text designated as (a); new subsecs. (b), (c) added. Supplemental provision. Revision, Amendment. Repeal. Addition. Supplemental provision. Existing text designated as (a); new subsec. (b) added. Supplemental provision. Exception. P a r. (3) deleted; par. (4) redesignated as (5); new (3), (4) added. Addition. Amendment; exception. Waiver of time limitation. Secs. 2001-2009 deleted with savings provision; secs. 2 0 1 0 2014 redesignated as 2 0 0 1 2005. Repeal; effective date. Revision; effective date. Addition. Repeal; effective date. Subsec. (b) deleted; (c) revised and redesignated as (b); effective date. Addition; effective date. Amendment; applicability. Amendment; nonapplicability; effective date.