Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/1710

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[76 Stat. 1662]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 1662]



Senate—Continued Page Foreign Relations, Committee on, report by the President, economic assistance to Communist nations or countries aiding Cuba 1165, 1166 General provisions, Appropriation Act. 693 Interior and Insular Affairs, Committee on, Report to, Indian tribal funds, use of certain 338 Joint committees, congressional. See separate title. Legislative Counsel, Office of, appropriation for 681 Majority and Minority Leaders, appropriation for 680 Majority and Minority Whips, appropriation for 681 New York, clerk hire allowance of Senator, increase 215 Officers and employees, compensation, increase 866 Official Reporters of Debates, appropriation for 681 Pages, education of, appropriation for- _ 688 President of the Senate— Appointments by— Battle of Lake Erie Sesquicentennial Celebration Commission, members 1244 National Fisheries Center and Aquarium Advisory Board, members 753 North CaroHna Tercentenary Celebration Commission, members. 56 Saint Augustine Quadricentennial Commission, members 386 Trade negotiations. United States delegates 878 United States Constitution One Hundred and Seventy-fifth Anniversary Commission, members 757 Virginia Dare, three hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary celebration of birth of; members of joint committee to represent Congress 1419 Reports to— Air Force, Department of the, public works construction contracts 241 Army, Department of the, public works construction contracts.. 241 Interior, Department of the, geological surveys outside national domain 427 Navy, Department of the, public works construction contracts.. 241 Report to. President of United States, tariff adjustments 899


Page Schoeppel, Andrew F., payment to widow of 215 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation for 126,254,427,672, 680 Select Committee on Small Business, appropriation for 680 Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, Office of, appropriation for 681 Trade agreements with Presidential statement, transmission to 876 Vice President of the United States, compensation and expenses, appropriation for 680 Virginia, clerk hire allowance of Senator, increase . 215 Senior Citizens Housing Act of 1962, 670 Service Extension Act of 1941, appropriation for effecting provisions 364 Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, funds for effecting provisions 362 Shmurah Wheat Flour, importation for religious purposes, proclamation 1447 Shoe Lathes, duty-free importation 405 Sid Simpson Flood Control Project, 111., designation 306 Silk Noils, disposal under Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act, congressional approval 1420 Silk Yarn, duty-free importation 402 Silver Hill Voluntary Fire Department and Rescue Squad, Md., land conveyance. 1118 Small Business, Defense Department, assistance to 329 Small Business, Select Committee on, appropriation for 680 Small Business Act, Amendment, revolving fund; establishment, increased appropriations authorized 220 Small Business Administration: Adjustment Assistance Advisory Board, membership 901 Appropriation for. 126, 213, 254, 427, 672, 1102 Business loan program, review by Congress 221 Disaster loans, appropriation for 213 Import-injured firms, loans to; additional authority for 221 Revolving Fund, appropriation for. 213, 1102 Small Business Corporations, tax amendments regarding 1065, 1069 Small Business Problems in the Poultry Industry, printing of additional copies of hearings on — 1418 Smith-Lever Act: Amendment, agricultural extension work, allocation of funds, etc 745 Appropriation for effecting provisions. 1205