Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/341

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[76 Stat. 293]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 293]

76 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 87-569-AUG. 6, 1962

iiient conforms to law, they shall, when all fees and charges have been paid as in this Act prescribed— (1) endorse on each of such duplicate originals the word "Filed, and the month, day, and year of the filing thereof; (2) file one of such duplicate originals in their office; (3) return the other duplicate original to the corporation or its representative. (c) The change of address of the registered office, or the change of registered agent, or both, as the case may be, shall become effective upon the filing of such statement by the Commissioners. (d) A foreign corporation shall change its registered agent if the office of registered agent shall become vacant for any reason, or if its registered agent becomes disqualified or incapacitated to act, or if it re\'okesthe appointment of its registered agent. (e) Any registered agent of a foreign corporation may resign as such agent by deli\-ering a written notice thereof, executed in duplicate, to the Connnissioners who shall file one copy thereof in their office and forthwith nuiil a copy thereof to the corporation at its principal office in the state or country under the laws of which it is incorporated as the same appears in the records of the Commissioners. The appointment of such agent shall terminate upon the expiration of thirty days after receipt of such notice by the Commissioners or upon the appointment of a successor agent becoming effective, whichever occurs sooner. Xo fee or charge of any kind shall be imposed with respect to a filing under this subsection. SERVICE OF TROCESS ON FOREIGN CORPORATION

SEC. 73. (a) The registered agent so appointed by a foreign corporation authorized to conduct affairs in the District shall be an agent of such corporation upon whom any process, notice, or demand required or permitted by law to be served upon the corporation, may be served. Service of any such process, notice, or demand upon a corporate agent, as such agent, may be had by delivering a copy of such process, notice, or demand to the president, vice president, the secretary, or an assistant secretary of such corporate agent. (b) Whenever a foreign corporation authorized to conduct affairs in the District shall fail to appoint or maintain a registered agent in the District, or whenever any such registered agent cannot with reasonable diligence be found at the registered office, or whenever the certificate of authority of a foreign corporation shall be suspended or revoked, then the Commissioners shall be an agent of such corporation upon whom any such process, notice, or demand may be served. Service on the Commissioners of any such process, notice, or demand shall be made by delivering to and leaving with them, or with any clerk having charge of their office, duplicate copies of such process, notice, or demand. In the event any such process, notice, or demand is served on the Commissioners, they shall immediately cause one of such copies thereof to be forwarded by registered or certified mail, addressed to the corporation at its principal office in the state or country under the laws of which it is incorporated, as the same appears in the records of the Commissioners. (c) If any foreign corporation shall conduct affairs in the District without a certificate of authority, it shall by conducting such affairs be deemed to have thereby appointed the Commissioners its agent and representative upon whom any process, notice, or demand may be served. Service shall be made by deliA'ery to and leaving with the Commissioners, or with any clerk having charge of their office, duplicate copies of such process, notice, or demand, together with an affi-