Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/389

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[76 Stat. 341]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 341]

76 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 87-578-AUG. 9, 1962


classify lands as to mineral character and water and power resources; give engineering supervision to power permits and Federal Power Commission licenses; enforce departmental regulations applicable to oil, gas, and other mining leases, permits, licenses, and operating contracts; control the interstate shipment of contraband oil as required by law (15 U.S.C. 715); and publish and disseminate data relative to the foregoing activities; $56,100,000, of which $8,430,000 shall be available only for cooperation with States or municipalities for water resources investigations: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay more than one-half the cost of any topographic mapping or water resources investigations carried on in cooperation with any State or municipality. ADMINISTRATIVE


The amount appropriated for the Geological Survey shall be available for purchase of not to exceed forty-nine passenger motor vehicles, for replacement only; purchase of not to exceed one aircraft for replacement only; reimbursement of the General Services Administration for security guard service for protection of confidential files; contracting for the furnishing of topographic maps and for the making of geophysical or other specialized surveys when it is administratively determined that such procedures are in the public interest; construction and maintenance of necessary buildings and appurtenant facilities; acquisition of lands for gaging stations and observation wells; expenses of U.S. National Committee on Geology and payment of contributions to the International Union on Geologic Sciences; and payment of compensation and expenses of persons on the rolls of the Geological Survey appointed, as authorized by law, to represent the United States in the negotiation and administration of interstate compacts. BUREAU or




For expenses necessary for promoting the conservation, exploration, development, production, and utilization of mineral resources, including fuels, in the United States, its Territories, and possessions; and developing synthetics and substitutes; $26,675,000. H E A L T H A N D SAFETY

For expenses necessary for promotion of health and safety in mines and in the minerals industries, and controlling fires in coal deposits, as authorized by law, $8,158,000. CONSTRUCTION

For the construction and improvement of facilities under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Mines, $425,000, to remain available until expended. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE


For expenses necessary for general administration of the Bureau of Mines, including such expenses in the regional offices, $1,333,000.

49 Stat. 30.