Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/391

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[76 Stat. 343]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 343]

76 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 87-578-AUG. 9, 1962



For necessary expenses to enable the Secretary to discharge his responsibilities with respect to oil and gaSj including cooperation with the petroleum industry and State authorities in the production, processing, and utilization of petroleum and its products, and natural gas, $531,000. F I S H AND WILDLIFE SERVICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF F I S H AND WILDLIFE SALARIES A N D EXPENSES

For necessary expenses of the Office of the Commissioner, $364,000. BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND INVESTIGATIONS OF RESOURCES

For expenses necessary for scientific and economic studies, conservation, management, investigation, protection, and utilization of commercial fishery resources, including whales, sea lions, and related aquatic plants and products; collection, compilation, and publication of information concerning such resources; promotion of education and training of fishery personnel; and the performance of other functions related thereto, as authorized by law; $15,225,000.



For purchase of foreign currencies which accrue under title I of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1704), for the purposes authorized by section 72 Stat. 27s. 104 (k) of that Act, $300,000, which shall be available to purchase only those currencies which the Treasury Department shall determine to be excess to the normal requirements of the United States. CONSTRUCTION

For construction and acquisition of buildings and other facilities required for the conservation, management, investigation, protection, and utilization of commercial fishery resources and the acquisition of lands and interests therein, $8,473,000, to remain available until expended. CONSTpRUCTION OF FISHING VESSELS

For expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act of June 12, 1960, Public Law 86-516, to assist in the construction of 74 Stat. 212 46 USC ' "' 1401fishing vessels, $750,000. 1413. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES

For expenses necessary for general administration of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, including such expenses in the regional offices, $600,000.