Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/438

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[76 Stat. 390]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 390]


43 USC 371 note.

Report to President and Congress.

43 USC 620620o. Water delivery faculties.

Repayment contracts.

72 Stat. 542, 543. 43 USC 485 h.

PUBLIC LAW 87-590-AUG. 16, 1962

[76 STAT.

the Bureau of Reclamation entitled "Ruedi Dam and Reservoir, Colorado", with such minor modifications of, omissions from, or additions to the works described in those reports as he may find necessary or proper for accomplishing the objectives of the project. Such modifications or additions as may be required in connection therewith shall not, however, extend to or contemplate the so-called. Gunnison-Arkansas project; and nothing in this Act shall constitute a commitment, real or implied, to exportations of water from the Colorado River system in Colorado beyond those required for projects heretofore or herein authorized. In constructing, operating, and maintaining the Fryingpan-Arkansas project, the Secretary shall be governed by the Federal reclamation laws (Act of June 17, 1902; 32 Stat. 388, and Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto). (b) A reservoir at the Ruedi site on the Fryingpan River with an active capacity of approximately one hundred thousand acre-feet shall be constructed in lieu of the reservoir on the Roaring Fork River at the Aspen site contemplated in House Document Numbered 187, Eightythird Congress. The Secretary shall investigate and prepare a report on the feasibility of a replacement reservoir at or near the Ashcroft site on Castle Creek, a tributary of the Roaring Fork River above its confluence with the Fryingpan River with a capacity of approximately five thousand acre-feet, but construction thereof shall not be commenced unless said report, which shall be submitted to the President and the Congress, demonstrates the feasibility of said reservoir and is approved by the Congress. The Secretary shall expedite completion of his planning report on the Basalt project, Colorado, as a participating project under the Act of April 11, 1956 (70 Stat. 105), and said report shall have the priority status of the reports to which reference is made in section 2 of said Act. (c) No part of the single purpose municipal and industrial water supply works involved in the Fryingpan-Arkansas project shall be constructed by the Secretary in the absence of evidence satisfactory to him that it would be in feasible for the communities involved to construct the works themselves, singly or jointly. I n the event it is determined that these works, or any of them, are to be constructed by the Secretary, a contract providing, among other things, for payment of the actual cost thereof, with interest as hereinafter provided, as rapidly as is consistent with the contracting parties' ability to pay, but in any event, within fifty years from the time the works are first available for the delivery of water, and for assumption by the contracting parties of the care, operation, maintenance, and replacement of the works shall be a condition precedent to construction thereof. SEC. 2. (a) Contracts to repay the portion of the cost of the Fryingan-Arkansas project allocated to irrigation and assigned to be repaid y irrigation water users (exclusive of such portion of said cost as may be derived from temporary water supply contracts or from other sources) which are entered into pursuant to subsection (d), section 9, of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 (53 Stat. 1187^, as amended, shall provide for a basic repayment period of not more tnan fifty years after completion of construction and shall not provide for any development period. Such contracts shall be entered into only with organizations which have the capacity to levy assessments upon all taxable real property located within their boundaries. (b) Rates charged for commercial power and for water for municipal, domestic or industrial use or for the use of facilities for the storage and/or delivery of such water shall be designed to return to the: United States, within not more than fifty years from the completion of each unit of the project which serves those purposes, those costs of constructing, operating and maintaining that unit which are allocated
