Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/482

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[76 Stat. 434]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 434]


Santa Fe National Forest, N. Mex.

50 Stat. 525.

PUBLIC LAW 87-632-SEPT. 5, 1962

[76 STAT.

10 east, New Mexico principal meridian, as shown on public land survey plat of August 8, 1924. SEC. 3. The ejxterior boundaries of the Santa Fe National Forest in New Mexico are hereby extended to include the following described lands: (1) The Polvadera grants as described on plat of survey approved December 18, 1899; and that part of the J u a n Jose Lobato grant, as described on plat of survey approved October 19, 1895, lying southerly of the Rio Chama River: excepting from the above areas the town of Abiquiu grant as described on plat of survey approved November 16, 1896, and also as shown on public land survey plat approved July 3, 1940; said grant plats being filed in volume 5, page 31, volume 4, page 12, and volume 8, page 6, respectively, of New Mexico private land claim plat records of the Bureau of Land Management. (2) The Ojo de San Jose grant as described on plat of survey approved August 21, 1902, and filed in volume 5, page 14, New Mexico private land claim plat records of the Bureau of Land Management, excepting that triangular-shaped part in the northwest corner of said grant which overlaps the east boundary of the Canon de San Diego grant as shown on said plat of August 21, 1902. (3) The Juan de Gabaldon grant, as described on plat of survey approved July 27, 1896, and filed in volume 2, page 10, New Mexico private land claim plat records of the Bureau of Land Management. SEC. 4. Subject to any valid existing rights, all lands of the United States in areas described in sections 1, 2, and 3 hereof, administered by the Secretary of Agriculture under title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act of July 22, 1937, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1010-1012), or used by the Secretary of Agriculture for research purposes, are hereby added to and made parts of the respective national forests. Approved September 5, 1962.

Public Law 87-632 September 5, 1962 [S. 3574]

63 Stat. 945; 73 Stat. 600. 7 USC 1641.

TIAS 5115.

AN ACT To extend the International Wheat Agreement Act of 1949. Be H enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 2 of the International Wheat Agreement Act of 1949, as amended, is further amended as follows: (1) The first sentence is amended by striking out the language in the first parenthesis and all that follows in such sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "signed by the United States and certain other countries revising and renewing such agreement of 1949 for periods through July 31, 1965 (hereinafter collectively called the 'International Wheat Agreement')". (2) There is inserted immediately before the last sentence the following new sentence: "Such net costs in connection with the International Wheat Agreement, 1962, shall include those with respect to all transactions which qualify as commercial purchases (as defined in such agreement) from the United States by member and provisional member importing countries, including transactions entered into prior to the deposit of instruments of acceptance or accession by any of the countries involved, if the loading period is not earlier than the date the agreement enters into force." Approved September 5, 1962.