Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/680

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[76 Stat. 632]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 632]

632 7 USC 1926.

7 USC 1929. 7 USC 1942.



68 Stat. 906. 7 USC 608c.

75 Stat. 293. 7 USC 1427.

PUBLIC LAW 87-704-SEPT. 27, 1962

[76 STAT.

(2) By inserting in section 306(a) after "soil conservation practices," the following: "shifts in land use including the development of recreational facilities,"; (3) By striking out in section 309(f)(1) the figure "$10,000,000 and inserting in lieu thereof the figure "$25,000,000"; (4) By inserting in section 312 after the words "and conservation" the words "including recreational uses and facilities"; and (5) By adding at the end thereof a new section as follows: "SEC. 343. As used in this title (1) the term 'farmers' shall be deemed to include persons who are engaged in, or who, with assistance afforded under this title, intend to engage in, fish farming, and (2) the term 'farming' shall be deemed to include fish farming." SEC. 402. Congress hereby reconfirms its long-standing policy of favoring the use by governmental agencies of the usual and customary channels, facilities, and arrangements of trade and commerce, and directs the Secretary of Agriculture and the Commodity Credit Corporation to the maximum extent practicable to adopt policies and procedures designed to minimize the acquisition of stocKs by the Commodity Credit Corporation, to encourage orderly marketing of farm commodities through private competitive trade channels, both cooperative and noncooperative, and to obtain maximum returns in the marketplace for producers and for the Commodity Credit Corporation. SEC. 403. The Agricultural Adjustment Act, as reenacted and amended by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, is further amended as follows: Section 8c(6) is amended by striking the period at the end of (I) thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the following: ": Provided, That with respect to orders applicable to cherries such projects may provide for any forifi of marketing promotion including paid advertising." SEC. 404. Section 407 of the Agricultural Act of 1949, as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof a new sentence as follows: "Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever prior to December 31, 1963, the Secretary determines it necessary in order to assure the Nation an adequate supply of milk free of contamination by radioactive fallout, he may make feed owned or controlled by the Commodity Credit Corporation available to producers of milk in any area or areas of the United States at such prices and on such terms and conditions as he deems appropriate in the public interest." SEC. 405. If any provision of this Act is declared imconstitutional, or the applicability thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this Act and the applicability thereof to other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Approved September 27, 1962, 1:00 p.m.

Public Law 87-704 September 27, 1962 [H. R. 2292]

AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to issue certificates of honorable service in lieu of certificates of disenrollment to certain persons who served as temporary members of the United States Coast Guard Reserve during World War II.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Coast Guard. United States of America in Congress assembled, That chapter 21 of ni«".'"'""'°*" ^* ^!*'^ 1^' United States Code, be amended by inserting therein after section 762 the following new section: